Martijn Sjoorda
De Team Coach - bouwen aan psychologische veiligheid in dienst van betere communicatie zodat je exponentieel betere resultaten behaalt.
Richard Feynman wasn’t your ordinary physicist. He wasn’t an ordinary man, actually. He was great at a craft that seems in low demand, lately: genuine, original thinking. He was of the “if I want something, I’ll set out and get or learn it” kind. Which is why he became an accomplished artist later in life, for example. ‘Cause he wanted to, was curious about it and first and foremost, because he could.
He is one of my heroes.
His memoirs, also great mottos for life, are a delight to read. They’re called “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out” and “What Do You Care What Other People Think”.
If you are not in to books, just watch the Panorama documentary they did about him.
Who are your heroes?
Medtech Innovator
8 年I've always been a huge fan of his and also his Caltech colleagues Linus Pauling, Nobel prize for chemistry but also one for peace. He lobbied globally and achieved the nuclear test ban treaty