Heroes Among Us
Eileen Bild, MA
CEO, Ordinary to Extraordinary Life, OTEL Universe, A Universal Voice | Founder, Core Thinking Blueprint Method | Speaker | Author | International Columnist | Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K Coach | Co-Founder, JETSet Music Media
As much as I would like for life to be smooth sailing, it seems there are moments in the history of mankind, we have upheaval. Events that cause the world to stop, deal with the collective challenge, and pull together for a positive outcome are catalysts for change. Disease, civil wars, world wars, natural disasters, terrorism attacks, territorial divide, and more keeps the ebb and flow of our evolution asking us to become better and wiser for a brighter future.
Every person on this earth will be impacted, one way or another, by the current crisis. The power of giving and compassion gets us through tough times. But the ultimate test is who will we be and how will we be once this is over.
Those who step up to the front lines, keep a positive outlook, create opportunities, and push past the struggles, are the heroes among us.
Perhaps you have reached out to comfort family and/or friends, or you have been assisted in this time of need. No matter how big or small the efforts to bring a halt to the destruction, any extension of helping another is honorable.
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