Heroes of 1Optic: Bjarne Stroustrup

Heroes of 1Optic: Bjarne Stroustrup

Today is Bjarne Stroustrup's birthday (december 30th, 1950). The Danish computer scientist developed the programming language C++. At its first release in October 1985 Stroustrup also published a textbook for the C++ language, which has become a classic: The C++ Programming ?Language. Over the next few years C++ evolved, resulting in a second edition of the book, reflecting the changes made.

C++, pronounced 'C Plus Plus', sometimes abbreviated as CPP, started as an extension of the C ?programming language, or as 'C with Classes'. Later the C with Classes was renamed to "C++" (++ being the increment operator in C). Main features of C++ are: (derived) classes, strong typing and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operat or_overloading.


C++ is renowed for its perfomance. making it one of the go-to programming languages for software where speed, efficiency, and control over hardware resources are critical. Many software products and platforms leverage the power of C++, combining raw power, flexibility, and control. Famous examples are: Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, YouTube. Several data processing modules in the 1Optic product family are written in C++. When processing large amounts of data in restricted time intervals, performance is very important.

New kid in town: rust

Recently the programming language Rust gains more and more popularity. Released in 2015 by Mozilla, Rust focuses on safety, concurrency and, like C++, performance.

Rust enforcing memory safety at compile time, preventing issues like possible buffer overflows is for our engineers the main reason to migrate 1Optic's high performance data processing modules, originally written in C++, from C++ to Rust.



