The Hermit steps back in time...

The Hermit steps back in time...

I never realised how hypnotic a smile was until now.

It can reach out, catch and make a single, magic moment in time last…and last.

It can tell the rest of the world to go to Hell while more important things are happening in the space between two sets of eyes.

There are new Lovers in the coffee shop. New hands attracted to each other like magnets. No need for nervous laughter.

These lovers are straight down to business. They are Antony and Cleopatra. Lancelot and Guinevere. Bogart and Bacall. He knows how to whistle. She knows how to have and have not. That’s all they need to know for now. Everything else is unnecessary.

To their right, The Hermit shuffles through the doorway, gold on his fingers. He sees The Lovers and steps back in time.

Back to when his trousers were pressed, his wife was alive and his future was bright.

Back to when the love in his heart wasn't a faded memory of a feeling he used to know well.

Back to when his home was bright and happy and not the solitary confinement it is now.

He doesn’t come here to remember what it’s like to live amongst people. He doesn’t come here to take a break from his loneliness. He comes here to take a break from his abstinence.

He indulges in caffeine. That’s all. And only here. Nowhere else.

I asked Little Italy one month ago to the day. Is he homeless? She gave me the full skinny.

He’s extremely comfortably off, she said. He’s not filthy stinking rich, but he’s not far off, she said. He just doesn’t like people, she said. But he likes coffee. It’s the only love affair he has left.

I see The Hermit talking to Little Italy. I see her smile. Take down a special box from above the stainless steel machine. The box containing her extra EXTRA strong blend. The blend that puts hairs on chests. Makes eyeballs bulge. Gives blood a damned good reason to rush even faster through the veins.

She makes up a cupful and follows him to the most faraway table on the floor. The one with the ‘do not disturb’ sign on a card sitting on the dark wood.

She waits until he’s comfortably sat down, then she places the cup in front of him. Pats his left hand gently. Twice. Leaves.

The Hermit unwraps an old expensive-looking scarf from his neck, runs his fingers through his white hair, takes a deep breath, and begins the ritual.

Closes his eyes. Thinks of his wife. Sees her face. Sees her smile. Watches as the smile reaches her eyes. Waits a heartbeat. Then another. Then freeze-frames.

Slowly breathes out. Opens his eyes. Reaches for the coffee. Takes a sip. Savours it. Lets loose a slight gasp as his pulse quickens. Prepares for another smile. And another. Until the coffee is finished.

Over behind the bar, Little Italy can see the bliss in his eyes. Understands completely that some desires can never be allowed to disappear. Even with time.

She looks to the box on the wall. The box understands. Reaches way down and brings up number 11.

The curtains open. The Beatles are on stage. McCartney tugs at the heart with The Long and Winding Road.

The Hermit gets up from his chair. Nods at Little Italy. Walks away from the world. Until the next time.

Until the next cup...


You've just read an extract from my book of urban's called Love & Coffee.

All my published books are available separately from those nice people at Amazon…right here.

(Urban Essays):

Ad Interruptus:

Ad Infinitum:

Ad Lib:

Ad Hoc:

(Unfinished Ad Astra

(Urban Romance)

Love & Coffee:

(Humorous Science Fantasy)

Heaven Help Us:

Or… can pop along to my new website at and have a sneaky peek at them all together in the one place. Including my new debut crime novel "A Time for Dying."

And choose one for 2023...


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