- Observation and the principle of mentalism: Observation is the first step of the scientific method, where one collects data and information about the natural world. The principle of mentalism states that the universe is mental, and that everything is a manifestation of the mind. A lucid metaphor for this is that observation is like looking at a mirror, where one sees the reflection of one’s own mind in the external world. A lucid analog for this is that observation is like reading a book, where one learns about the author’s thoughts and ideas through the words and images.
- Question and the principle of correspondence: Question is the second step of the scientific method, where one asks a specific and testable question based on the observation. The principle of correspondence states that there is a correspondence or analogy between the different levels or planes of existence, such as the physical, mental, and spiritual. A lucid metaphor for this is that question is like finding a key, where one looks for the right key that can unlock the door to the next level or plane. A lucid analog for this is that question is like playing a game, where one follows the rules and clues to reach the next stage or level.
- Hypothesis and the principle of vibration: Hypothesis is the third step of the scientific method, where one proposes a tentative and falsifiable explanation for the question. The principle of vibration states that everything is in motion and vibration, and that the difference between things is the difference in their rate of vibration. A lucid metaphor for this is that hypothesis is like tuning a musical instrument, where one adjusts the tension and length of the strings to produce the desired sound or frequency. A lucid analog for this is that hypothesis is like making a guess, where one tries to estimate the answer or outcome based on the available information or evidence.
- Experiment and the principle of polarity: Experiment is the fourth step of the scientific method, where one designs and conducts a controlled and repeatable experiment to test the hypothesis. The principle of polarity states that everything has its opposite, and that the opposites are the same in nature but different in degree. A lucid metaphor for this is that experiment is like flipping a coin, where one creates a binary outcome by introducing a random or controlled factor. A lucid analog for this is that experiment is like choosing a path, where one decides which direction or option to take based on the pros and cons or the risks and rewards.
- Analysis and the principle of rhythm: Analysis is the fifth step of the scientific method, where one analyzes and interprets the data and results from the experiment. The principle of rhythm states that everything has its cycles and patterns, and that everything rises and falls or swings back and forth. A lucid metaphor for this is that analysis is like measuring a pendulum, where one calculates the length, amplitude, and period of the oscillation. A lucid analog for this is that analysis is like dancing, where one follows the rhythm and tempo of the music or the partner.
- Conclusion and the principle of cause and effect: Conclusion is the sixth step of the scientific method, where one draws a logical and valid conclusion based on the analysis and compares it with the hypothesis. The principle of cause and effect states that every action has a reaction, and that nothing happens by chance or without a reason. A lucid metaphor for this is that conclusion is like solving a puzzle, where one finds the missing piece or the final solution that completes the picture or the problem. A lucid analog for this is that conclusion is like winning a prize, where one receives the reward or the recognition for the effort or the achievement.
- Communication and the principle of gender: Communication is the seventh and final step of the scientific method, where one reports and shares the findings and methods with the scientific community and the public. The principle of gender states that everything has its masculine and feminine aspects, and that gender manifests on all levels or planes. A lucid metaphor for this is that communication is like mating, where one exchanges and combines the genetic or informational material with another. A lucid analog for this is that communication is like teaching, where one imparts and transfers the knowledge or the skill to another.