Heritage and tradition still counts for something
Mark Gilmartin
The University of Manchester BA (Econ) plus MBA and Post Graduate Certificate for Shared Services. SRO at UK Home Office for the Law Enforcement Data Service (LEDS) & Police National Database (PND) v1.5
I had a great opportunity to join the Chief Constable and PCC for Kent, Alan Pughsley QPM and Matthew Scott respectively, at the opening of the new Kent Police Museum on Friday. Hats off to Paul Upton, Sophie Hunwick and Lawrence O'Shea who have all done the 'hard yards' - securing grant funding, complex logistics and long, long hours - to get us to this point.
The media coverage and commentary on the sentencing following the horrific and unpardonable murder of Sarah Everard needs careful consideration, reflection and a step-change response. Outrage at that chain of events is not mutually exclusive or incompatible with an appreciation of the traditions and heritage of a proud County Force. All the speakers acknowledged the importance of looking forward (not just backwards), celebrating that which is good in policing and strengthening the Force's links with local communities.
Peter Hall's story of the retired officers who had crowd-funded the purchase of a former Kent officer's Gallantry medal at auction was a highlight and, all in all, a great send off for Lawrence O'Shea a stalwart of the Kent comms team for may years and one of the most popular and friendly faces at HQ.
Senior Payroll and Pensions Officer at Kent Police
3 年My police mad eldest has been waiting eagerly for the museum to open! I've booked to go over the Oct half term as a surprise for him. Looking forward to it