Here’s why you want to consider my 70% off “Angel” offer…

Here’s why you want to consider my 70% off “Angel” offer…

400% growth in 12 weeks

And $30k per month in extra profit

That’s what two epic clients achieved last year.?

Last year I created what I call my Angel offer because 6 years ago, I was on the bones of my a**.?

And I mean the bones. ?

A few business ideas hadn’t worked, the cashflow was negative and the prospects were nowhere to be seen

I was desperate, embarrassed and felt like I was failing my family.

Then an offer came through from a coach/mentor I’d been following for a while.? An irresistible, crazy offer at less than 50% of his usual fee.

He was paying it forward from 10 years earlier when he needed an “angel” to save him and someone stepped up in similar fashion and filled that void.

It was a huge step into the unknown but one I wanted to tale to break free of my comfort zone that was causing nothing but misery.

The outcomes were phenomenal. The turn around in 12 months was unbelievable.? I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t lived it myself.

My business was transformed.? I was transformed.? And my life (and my family’s) was transformed beyond recognition. ?

From $27 in the bank to just shy of 7 figures

All without selling my soul

All without compromising me

All without following someone else’s rules.

Which is why I launched my Angel at the beginning of this year.

Both spots were snapped up quickly

And after 3 months here’s what was achieved.?

Client 1 increased revenue by 400%, using their Unfair Advantage to slightly change direction resulting in a lot more impact and money. We also addressed some long held beliefs that have been holding them back.?

Client 2 added $30k per month in profit working half the hours per week simply by applying their Unfair Advantage in content, messaging, offers and delivery.

Why am I telling you this?

Both Angel Offer clients told me I should offer this again to help more people achieve what they achieved (and continue to achieve).

So here I am….

It’s 30% of my usual fee for 3 months 1:1 ‘F*%# Yeah’ coaching and mentoring. ?From now until first week of 2025.

Not 30% off, but 30% of the usual $ fee.

1:1 calls

Private channel for everyday discussion

Discovery, leverage and monetisation of your Unfair Advantage?

And the inside scoop from what I’ve learned from all the amazing coaches and mentors I’ve had (and have).

This is for you if you want to create more impact, freedom and money

To work less and play more.?

This is for you if you want to have it all (whatever your version of this looks like).

If you’re nodding your head and want to either know more or grab a spot, let me know. ?

Simply send me a DM (or reply here) and we can see if it’s right for you (and me).



