Here's Why Pesticides Are Dangerous For Your Health. Plus, 9 Reasons Why You Should Eat Organic Instead!

Here's Why Pesticides Are Dangerous For Your Health. Plus, 9 Reasons Why You Should Eat Organic Instead!

In recent times, we have been living in a diaspora where everything is chemical warfare.?

Yes, we might have better buying power and access to world-class cuisines. But we are sacrificing our health in the long term by consuming chemically infested foods, and one such chemical is a pesticide.?

Developed by our food system with good intentions, pesticides have proven quite dangerous to human health over the decades.?

And there's a lot of scientific evidence to show why.?

The Problem With Pesticides

Pesticides can cause adverse health effects on our digestive systems. The symptoms can either be acute or chronic, depending on the kind of pesticide that's present in your food.

While the short-term effects of pesticides include -

Stinging eyes







However, it's the long-term effects that really draw the line.?

In the long run, it is known to cause cancers, congenital disabilities, infertility, neurological and developmental toxicity, immunotoxicity, and disruption of the endocrine system.?

The truth is these chronic effects of pesticides may not appear right away. In fact, they might not show up in your blood test results at all!?

Effects like cancer, tumours, infertility and other reproductive problems, and nervous and endocrine system damage are not signs you can relate to pesticides. These problems are caused much later down the line by repetitive exposure to pesticides over weeks, months, or even years.?

This is what makes them so hard to detect. And why our food system gets away with using pesticides.?

Effect On Human Health?

Let us look at a few gruesome facts and studies related to pesticides.?

Pesticides have been implicated in the human studies of leukemia, lymphoma, and malignant tumours in the brain, breasts, prostate, testes and ovaries by many scholars and scientists. Reproductive harm from pesticides can even lead to congenital disabilities, stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, sterility and infertility.?

Some pesticides have also been found to act as endocrine disruptors. Meaning, they block the secretion of necessary hormones required for the proper functioning of our bodies. This eventually leads to serious health adversities.?

The impact of pesticides on human health is similar to that of the impact of harmful gasses on the environment. Just like harmful gasses degrade the quality of our environment and air over time, pesticides degrade the quality of our health over time.?

According to a study published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, children are more vulnerable to exposure to pesticides than adults. Children also find it difficult to detoxify and excrete the chemicals absorbed by pesticides. And the effects on children are as horrifying as it sounds, and they can lead to permanent damage, including stunted growth and hormonal imbalance.

With all that being said, there is still hope for us. There is still time to reverse the short-term damages of pesticides. And eating organic food is the first step towards leading a healthy, toxin-free lifestyle. Apart from the health implications of organic food, it is also better for our soil, water and the environment.

Organic food importance should be our priority if we want to reverse the ill effects of pesticides successfully. And here's why.?

9 Reasons Why Organic Is Better Than Pesticides?

1. NO To Pesticides:?Pesticides (including insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers and weed killers) are strictly monitored in organic food production. This significantly reduces the number of chemicals absorbed through your diet.

2. Non-GMO:?With the rapid rise in our population, most Indian farmers cultivate GMO foods nowadays. Eating organic helps you avoid GMO food in your day-to-day diet.?

3. No Artificial Colors:?Organic farming strictly avoids adding artificial colours, flavourings, sweeteners and preservatives. Sure, organic food isn't cheap. But the effects of organic food on health are of paramount value. In the long run, it saves you a lot on your hospital bills.?

4. Healthy Soil:?The first step towards organic farming is to create healthy soil. Organic producers use natural fertilizers like animal manure, compost, vegetable stock and worms to build healthy soil. Crops grown on organic soil are more resistant to droughts or excess rainfall than inorganic farms.?

5. High In Nutrients:?One of the main health benefits of organic farming is its nutritional quality. Organic crops, fruits and vegetables are richer in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. An 18-month study on milk found that organic production significantly enhances milk's nutritional value.?

6. Future Demands:?In recent years, organic food consumption in India has been on the rise. Choosing organic now will lead to more organic products for future generations. Supply always meets demands. And if there is a demand for organic food in the future, farmers will be bound to adopt large-scale organic production.

7. No Radiation:?Conventional farming often irradiates food by exposing it to intense ionizing radiation. On the other hand, organic food steers clear of all chemicals and radiation.?

8. Low Carbon Footprint:?With the rapid rise in our carbon footprint, we must try our best not to contribute to it. Organic farmers have been supporting carbon sequestration for quite some time now, and it helps mitigate the rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.?

9. No Pollution:?Conventional farming uses pesticides which pollute our water bodies. On the contrary, organic farming protects our streams and rivers from toxic waste runoff, which can otherwise pollute our drinking water or kill aquatic flora and fauna.

There is still time to save ourselves and the planet from the shackles of pesticides. And we can achieve this with the help of organic farming.?

At Asmita Organic Farms, our foods are grown in 100% Organic certified farms using all-organic, biodynamic methods of agriculture. This means – we say a BIG NO to pesticides, chemicals, or toxic radiations of similar sorts.?


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