Here’s Why Interesting People Get Hired

Here’s Why Interesting People Get Hired

When choosing between two qualified candidates, it may come down to who is most interesting.

Interesting candidates exude confidence and make memorable impressions on hiring managers.

When asked “tell me something interesting about yourself,” it pays to prepare and practice a targeted answer. In the absence of a something specific, you lose an opportunity to differentiate yourself and make yourself more memorable.

Interesting People Connect to Others

Oxford dictionary defines interesting as “arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.” Being interesting means involving another person.

You do not have to own a pet tiger, be a professional comedian, or explore the Antarctic. But to be interesting, you do have to connect in some way with someone else.

An interview allows a unique opportunity to make a personal connection.?As someone also in your field, you already have common ground with an interviewer.?

Prepare a targeted answer to what is interesting.?Perhaps it is your passion for a social cause which aligns to the company mission. It could be a humorous story that shows how you managed an embarrassing, high pressured situation.?Maybe it is even something personal like a divorce that shows how you learned to persevere. Being interesting means making a human-to-human connection that sticks with the interviewer.?This is even more powerful than describing that unusual soap carving hobby (lol). ?

Connect to others through your delivery. Showing emotion can help. “Many people think emotion gets in the way of their messages, but it actually enhances them, says CNBC contributor and author Vanessa Van Edwards. “Emotion is what makes people interested in you and hooks them into wanting to listen.?So, when you feel proud of an idea or care about something, don’t act casual.?Instead, speak with gratitude and motivation.?Share your thoughts with power and emphasis.”

Interesting People are Interested

It may seem obvious, but hired candidates demonstrate interest.?Pete Lamson, CEO of Employ, says “what made someone a strong and attractive candidate two years ago (before the pandemic) still applies today.?It boils down to three things: the candidate is clear in what they’re looking for, they’re interested in the job, and they’re interesting to talk to (CNBC).”

Are you interested as well as interesting??To demonstrate interest, consider the following:

  • ?Ask poignant questions that make connections.?For example, consider asking an interviewer what he/she likes about working at the company.
  • Maintain excellent eye contact.
  • Establish a tone of interest through active listening and direct response using wording from the questions asked.
  • Learn the names of your interviewers and use them. If you have access to names and titles in advance of the interview, do your research. ?“To really knock an interviewer’s socks off, when responding to one participant, refer to another by name. For example, “To follow up on my response to Carol …” is a good way to work that in. Remembering names can be a difficult job skill to master but one that leaves a lasting impression (Banton, Boost Your Career).”
  • Prepare questions for the interviewer not easily answered by facts on the website. A suggestion is to ask about the day-to-day duties of the role.

Interested People Ask for the Job

Interviewers want to hire someone who is not afraid to be direct about his/her intentions.?Point out something specific in your resume or give an example from your portfolio which directly ties to the role.

Leave the interview by reiterating why you are a strong fit and ask to continue in the hiring process.?

At Artemis Consultants, we remind our candidates to find themselves interesting.?If you don’t find yourself interesting, why would anyone else?

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-Exclusively written for Artemis Consultants by Content Writer Mellody Melville


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