Here's What You CAN Control in Scary Times Like This

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At the airport on Tuesday

coming home from Cuba,

My feet swelled up.

Like a lot. It was scary.

My legs too.

I could barely walk.

I didn't know what happened.

My ankles were very swollen.

And sitting in the plane

at 2am, while paramedics treated another woman,

I was panicked.

I had the world's quietest almost-panic attack.

I tried to breathe but....

I suck at chilling out LOL

I wanted to be safe, at home.

It felt like there are TOO many things

in this crazy life that we can't control.

Welcome to being a human.

I got home eventually.

Too much salt & not enough water.

My friend was kind; she took care of me.

I woke up okay.

In scary times,

where it feels there's little we can control,

I am grateful for the freedom I've created for myself.

Having one powerful money-making skill

is wildly valuable. And I recommend you master one.

I dedicated YEARS of my life

to learning how to sell via powerful sales convos.

I want you to learn to SELL confidently bc it's...

1) A skill that allows you to work from anywhere

2) A skill that will always be in need

So no MATTER what is happening in our world,

you have the freedom to help yourself & your loved ones.

Many of us are hella anxious right now.

But since I was young, my mama taught me

the serenity prayer.

It's so useful in moments of crisis.

"God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can

and the wisdom to know the difference."

I cannot take away your fear or pain in this time.

But what I can do is offer to teach you a life-changing skill that will ALWAYS be in demand, rain or shine.

After 9 years of obsessively studying persuasion & sales,

Easily selling packages between $3-10K,

I'd love to plug my brain into yours.

Role play with you, show you how to sell your expertise

for money, a lifelong investment in yourself

that offers you WAY more control when it comes to....

well, shit you actually CAN control.

If you sell via sales convos,

and you want to sell MORE,

then let's chat about how we can

MULTIPLY the yeses you get.

MULTIPLY your paid-in-full clients.

MULTIPLY your control.

My simple business has given me

more peace than I can tell you.

I invite you to grab a 15 min chat with me to discuss working together. ONLY for peeps

who are serious about learning to sell with confidence.

P.S. The next day, my friend & I got a pizza, baked

cakes for a friend & just processed our trip experience.

We read Pema Chodron's "When Things Fall Apart" together. Played with her child. Comforted each other. There is light in the darkness.

Stay safe out there, kids. I love you all 


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