Here’s Something Hard that’s Pretty Easy
Travel by air is pretty easy these days – unless you need to fly the plane. Then it becomes considerably less relaxing. You get to missing that pilot pretty quickly.
Informed Delivery is kind of the same way. It’s easy – if you have a “pilot” to help. If not…well, just don’t drink first.
How easy can it be? If you are a nonprofit – or doing a mailing for a nonprofit – and you’re doing a fundraising mailing, create an image that looks kind of like a button, and make it say, in bold type, “Donate Now.” Send that image, and the web address for your donation page, to us. That’s it. We’ll create your campaign – you could save 2% on the postage if you mail before November is over, and you’ll get some clicks and donations. It’s really that easy.
Oh I exaggerate, but only a tiny bit. There’s a little bit of registration paperwork to do if you want to get the 2%, but we’ll walk you through that – it’s 5 minutes. You’ll need to track the mail, but come on – you should be doing that anyway.
So sit back and enjoy that Mimosa. Let your pilot, SnailWorks, fly your Informed Delivery plane! Click here to get started.