Here's Something Extra
Welcome back to Here's Something Extra, a little weekly addition for the eyes, ears and soul. This week it's being typed in the sunshine (come on summer!).
Something for the eyes...
Most of us are well aware of fake news and the effect it can have on the world, and many of us can probably hear Donald Trump very clearly in our heads when thinking about those words. The human race has turned the place we live into a crazy hub of uncertainty and confusion backed up by the spreading of said fake news. We often try to avoid bad news as a way to protect our thinking but with this being pushed toward us from all directions it's hard to escape. So being able to think rationally is so important in the crazy times and Steven Pinker explains how to do just that, see the overview here and the whole book is so worth while reading!..
Something for the ears...
Often when looking at famous people or people in the public eye we only see the good side, the success, the fortune and how we wish we could have that. But like everyone they have their dark days and struggles and it's so refreshing when they are spoken about, it becomes relatable and helps to show that even with set backs you can still succeed. Nile Wilson gives a perfect example of this and opens up about his struggles, a really in depth listen...
Something for the soul...
Tomorrow is a very special day in the UK, it's pancake day! That means always messing up the first one, flipping them into a crumpled mess and eating them so quick the wait for the next one feels like forever. An estimated 135 million pancakes will be eaten tomorrow, will one of those be yours and with what topping?!
Have a great week!