Here's to reverse mentors
So our Michelle came out top. For what it's worth, I think her latest book, The Light We Carry is great. Really nice. I've got it on audiobook and it's rather groovy. And I have to say, the thing I like about the book is the way she addresses people is in a very sensitive, engaging, "one of us" way - extraordinary considering she was first lady of the United States.
Maybe she has the common touch, as some might say.
Then there's Brené Brown, a maven in business terms, showing she has a light of her own, carrying it as she does for vulnerability in business, which if you think about it, is quite a radical step, probably in the right direction. She came second in the poll.?
Then there's Ada Lovelace, early pioneer of computing, an extremely important person when it comes to modern-day automation.
But what about Greta Thunberg, the Great Greta Thunberg, many say.
No votes at all!
As it happens, I went to my friend Bard( and asked it, "Why would Greta Thunberg be a great spiritual mentor?"
Sure enough, it came back with a convincing answer. It says Greta Thunberg's inspires millions of people. She's authentic and genuine. She's compassionate, empathetic. She's courageous and determined. She's hopeful and optimistic.?
What's wrong with that, then?
Why no votes? Is it because she's too young? I'm not sure. Is it because she's a little bit of a provocateur? What do you think? Is it because she has an interesting manner? One of the things that it says on Bard is that her autism plays very much to her advantage because she can see things others can't and does so in a particularly incisive, determined and perceptive way.
I think she'd be a fantastic spiritual mentor.
Now there is this thing called reverse mentoring. Why not have reverse spiritual mentor - someone who's younger and not more senior? Typically people go for more senior mentors, spiritual or otherwise, don't they?
I think it'd be rather good to have her as the prime example of a reverse spiritual mentor - someone who hasn't been around for that long but has a certain wisdom when it comes to her particular thing. That particular thing, of course, is climate change and what we can do about it, or rather what she and her generation are going to do about it.
I think it's in our best interest to listen to her wisdom. What do you think? Should we have upvoted her? I think we might have done.?
I'd love to hear your feedback.