Here’s the Most Useful Skill You Can Learn To Improve Your Life Immediately
My column in Inc. is mostly about growth mindset, because I believe that the major changes we make happen instantaneously in our minds, but have huge effects on our lives once we commit to change.
You want a useful skill you can learn in minutes that will radically change your life?
Try gratitude.
As silly as this sounds, 99% of problems can be solved with gratitude. Here’s why:
- Most problems are not problems at all; they’re opportunities
- Most problems are self-inflicted (despite most people’s desire to blame others)
If you were reading carefully, you would have noticed that those two truths mean that 99% of problems are mental in nature, which also means that solving them is entirely within your control.
Here’s the thing, though. Even if you believe that you can change your reality, you can’t move forward into a better future unless you truly appreciate what you have now in the present.
Gratitude is like the foundation of a house.
Appreciate what you have; use it to have a better tomorrow:
Upset with your best friend? Be grateful for your relationship, and build upon that.
Angry with how much you make? Be grateful that you have an income at all, and use that as your starting place.
Disappointed with your health? Be grateful you’re alive, then realize that because you’re alive, you can make choices that lead to a different outcome starting right now.
If you don’t start with gratitude, you’ll move forward upset, angry and disappointed — and in that state, you can’t possibly make better decisions to improve yourself and your life.
The best part: gratitude takes .00000001 seconds to adopt. Just simply decide to be grateful, and you’ll lay an incredible foundation for self-improvement.
I’m grateful you read this post.
Thanks for reading. If you want to learn more about gratitude, click the link to download my free eBook that will give you the 9 critical cheats, hacks and shortcuts that million-dollar entrepreneurs use to reach their full potential and radically improve their lives.