Here’s the model I used to save my clients $684,840 in interest from Banks and Finance companies and place $9,320,162 in liquid, tax free savings.

Here’s the exact model that I used to save $684,840 in interest payments from Banks and Finance companies and place $9,320,162 in liquid retirement savings, most of which is tax free, in 12 months. (Part 1)

My journey of getting to a place where I saved my clients $684,840 in interest payments and placed $9,320,162 in liquid tax free retirement savings, in 12 months.

 But I HAVE to warn you, it’s a doozy.

 So strap in, plug in your business brain and get ready for some mind and revenue expanding nuggets from someone who’s been there, done that, AND got the t-shirt!

 …From January 1st 2016 to December 31, 2016

 I am about to be 100% transparent with you.

 7-Figure Agencies are NOT built by…

 Working Less

 No Stress

 No Pain

 No Failures

 No Risk

 And many more negatives that repel a normal ‘corporate 9-5er’.

 This is not some post that will paint you a glorious rainbow.

 And it may scare you a little.


 It is my plan for you to extract at least ONE THING that will help YOU in 2017.

 Let’s start this journey.

 I feel that it is important that I begin with my youth and move it to the present.

 Understanding that life failures and pains are truly blessings.

 That is extremely important for me to optimize the present.

 My past is the strong foundation behind me building the type of agency that I have today.

 I remember when I was in the 5th grade.

 After moving around quite a bit over the years, we lived with my Grandparents for a while. (About 2 years)

 Although my parents were great, and loving, it just seemed like we could never financially get ahead.

 My parents eventually decided that divorce was the answer.

 My mother wanted to move my brother, sister and me with her to Jacksonville. 

 At the time, I thought this was the worst decision that could be made.

 Growing up, I hated visiting Jacksonville.

 It had this stinking rotten egg smell that I found out later was a paper mill. (Glad they got that fixed over the years)

 Anyway, back to my story.

 One reason that I really didn’t want to leave Winter Garden, was because I was a starting Pop Warner Football quarterback, and my coach loved me. 

 So much that he offered to have me stay with him in Orlando, rather than have me move to Jacksonville with my mother.

 My Father had to go on a mandatory vacation at the time, so he wasn’t around for a few years.

 My Grandparents were great.

 I would say that I was probably my Grandmother’s favorite.

 My Grandfather, however, was always out running his businesses.

 I called him the classic entrepreneur.

 He owned a barber shop, a few rental properties, and was part owner of a local bar.

 But I never understood why he never passed that knowledge down to his sons.

 Sure, he helped my parents.

 But he never taught my father how to fish. (Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.)

 Well, I'll admit, I was a bit of a momma’s boy, so of course I moved to Jacksonville with my mother in the 7th grade.

 I met a great group of guys, who most of which, I am still good friends with today.

 We used to do things like setting up a neighborhood electric football game league.

 We would go around from house to house to play our games. 

 We even had a playoff and championship.

 As time went on, we each went our separate ways. 

 Some to the military and others to college. 

 I went to Florida State University, in Tallahassee, GO NOLES!

 This is where my daughter was conceived,

 And where the rubber met the road. 

 I really wanted to be a good father, so I made sure that I apart of her life while still going to school.

 After achieving my degree, I moved back to Jacksonville to work for Blue Cross Blue Shield. 

 Working there taught me a thing or two.

 Just because you have a degree, doesn’t mean that you will use it.

 I remember speaking to a co-worker who had been there for 20+ years.

 Doing the same thing.


 Day in and day out.

 I thought to myself, “there has got to be something better than this”.

 After working there for 3 years I learned that the people who had Insurance Licenses, where making a lot more than me.

 So I went and got my license and turned down a position that they offered me in the sales department.

 It was back to Orlando for me!

 I went to work for a Medicaid HMO company in their sales division.

 And I had my first exposure to selling Life Insurance through Primerica.

 The Medicaid HMO thing was short lived.

 I’m talking going door to door in the hood!

 Primerica was definitely a learning experience.

 I went to get my series 6 license, and started selling Mutual Funds and Term Insurance.

 After learning what the different Life Insurance options were, it hit me.

 I was really missing something.

 Financial services should never be cookie cutter!

 Not all Insurances work the same.

 And you are not going to always get positive returns on your mutual funds.

 Or anything in the market, for that matter.

 Term Insurance has its place

 But it shouldn’t be sold as the end all beat all.

 It was around this time that the housing market was booming.

 A friend that had been doing Mortgages for a while, ask me to come work with him.

 I went to get my Mortgage Brokers License and started new in the Mortgage industry.

 I really enjoyed doing Mortgages.

 Helping people get their credit in order to purchase their first home.

 It was very rewarding.

 This was going great, until the bottom fell out of the housing market.

 Lucky for me, I still had my Series 6, and Life Insurance License.

 I decided at that point that I wanted to learn more about Financial Planning.

 I got on with John Hancock.

 I was determined to be the absolute best in that office.

 So I became the Rookie of the Year.

 Year two, however, was a little different.

 I started following a couple of the heavy hitters in the office.

 They were both named Mike, so they called themselves Mike and Mike. (How Original)

 They were consistent with doing Seminars at Restaurants in the area.

 Well, I didn’t want to be out done, so I decided I would try it too.

 But I had a little problem.

 No one told me how much it would cost to maintain a consistent flow of seminars.

 Nor were they sharing any information on how to be successful in doing them.

 But that wasn’t going to stop me.

 So I charged my first seminar on a credit card for $5,500.

 Needless to say, it was a complete failure.

 I didn’t quit though.

 I tried other marketing ideas that didn’t cost so much.

 I got by, but I had a ton of debt.

 I also wasn’t feeling like I was doing anything that would change my client’s lives financially for the better.

 It just felt like I was putting people into a product because that is what I was supposed to do.

 I also was on a roller coaster, because my business depended on how comfortable people felt about being in the market.

 This led me to seek something a little more stable.

 So I went to work for what was then, Huntington Bank, as an Investment Rep.

 It was just like being at John Hancock, but now, people were walking in the door.

 The problem, however, was that it was just like John Hancock.

 No one cared about what affect these Mutual Funds or Variable Annuities would have on the client if the market took a dive when they needed the funds.

 It was all about getting the dollars under management.

 The market always bounces back, right?

 Well, this is where things took a turn for me.

 It’s when I met my wife Tammie.

 I fell for her the first moment I saw her.

 Over our dating period, Tammie always encouraged me to do what makes me happy.

 So I started looking for something that would allow me to affect the masses.

 Something that would work for my clients, in both an up market or down market.

 This is when I was asked to go to a 2-day boot camp on Your Family Bank.

 This boot camp was a life changing experience.

 I had been to different training events before, but nothing like this.

 I’m talking about grown men being brought to tears.

 Men who had been in the Insurance business in one form or another for 30 years or more.

 Why were they crying?

 Because they had finally seen something that made total sense.

 They had finally been introduced to a system that will truly change a person’s life.

 And all they had to do was tell someone.

 Think of it this way.

 If your house was on fire, and I saw it,

 Wouldn’t you want me to tell you?

 Well this spoke to my soul.

 So much that I immediately put it in place for my wife and me.

 For my business, I no longer had to worry about whether this was the right thing to do or not.

 I knew that I had the extinguisher to people’s financial fires.

 Part 2 is coming soon…




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