Here's A Little-Known Secret About Engagement! ??
Jae-Lex L.
Helping Non-Native English-Speaking Business Professionals Speak with Confidence and Impact
When it comes to engagement, your focus is most likely going to be on the likes/reactions and shares you get on social media. But there is more to the equation than this. Something else of far greater impact. What is it?
Likes/reactions and shares to social media posts are a great metric. But in or of themselves, they are not going to make the slightest difference to your bottom line.
Likes and shares look good. But they will not bring you clients or sales. And for that reason, while they may be a good metric in regard to how much reach you are getting on social media, they ought not be your sole focus.
Ultimately, it's the meaningful conversations you're having that matter. These are where your real sales opportunities are going to be. And of those conversations, how many are actually converting into sales?
We could say:
Likes and shares are vanity; conversations and sales conversions are sanity.
And this comes down to whether you are speaking to the right audience. Are you attracting the right people? Those who will either turn into your dream clients, or else become a valuable resource for new clients.
This is the secret key to attracting your dream clients and it's what you will learn in my online course, Magnetise Your Clients?: The Key To Attracting Your Dream Clients.
In this online self-study programme, you will create or hone an avatar or profile of your dream clients. We will drill down into what really matters to them. What is there major pain point? What's holding them back from addressing and solving this challenge of theirs? And how will they feel after you have helped them solve it?
We will also look at other key areas of your Dream Client Profile (DCP), such as demographics, common/key behaviour patterns and their financials, such as their available budget to solve their challenges.
But there's more to your audience than just creating a DCP. We also look at those kinds of clients who are likely to be problematic and that you don't want to work with. I call them your anti-client.
And what about your tribe? Do you know who your tribe are? Who needs to be in your tribe? And how can they help you reach your goals more effectively and efficiently?
And then, finally, there are your competitors. This group of people and businesses can actually become another, often untapped, resource for new customers. And I will show you how to turn your competitors into such a valuable resource.
If you want to learn how to Magnetise YOUR Clients? and ensure your brand message is reaching the right people, then this online course will be a priceless and invaluable investment into your business success. You can find out how to enrol on the course, by visiting my website at:
Go there now, and I will look forward to teaching you how to attract your dream clients with greater ease.