Here's how to make the most of your time at a digital conference
In this environment full of online and offline distractions, the one tip for making it or breaking it at any digital event is to BE PRESENT.
We know that is easier said than done, so here are a few more specific things you can do to make better use of your time at any digital event, including the upcoming Top Packaging Summit. Happy reading!
#1 Make sure you're in a comfortable setting
Good internet is important and so is your energy. Make sure you are joining in your most comfortable but also inspiring setting. Add your go-to beverage and have a few healthy snacks at hand, and you're guaranteed the right amount of energy and presence. Do you usually walk and listen to podcasts? Take a small walk during part of the online conference - moving is great for bringing back the alertness!
#2 Arrive with a personal intention
Some yoga teachers ask their students to set an intention before any class for a more mindful experience. Well,?namaste, because a clear purpose can elevate even a digital conference! Are you here to learn about a specific topic, meet a match for your current development project or make some non-formal professional connections? Anything goes - but be intentional on why you're putting your time and attention into this online experience.
#3 Do your homework - how would you prepare if YOU were a panellist?
It is not that unrealistic to imagine yourself, a professional in the field, being part of the discussion. Whether before a digital event or a physical one, reflect on what you already know about the topic, recall your most memorable experiences, and check who else is coming! A little bit of effort will make immersing yourself in the event's content as well as the networking much easier and more stimulating.
#4 Connect with at least 3 new people
At a regular event, we inevitably meet at least 3 people. Someone welcomes you at the door, you see a colleague or an acquaintance in the audience, you even greet the participants next to you in the line for the tickets and coffee. That is basic politeness.
Digitally, speaking up can be a bit scary, yet it will make any experience more memorable and help you make valuable connections. An easy way to encourage yourself is to set meeting at least 3 new people as part of your intention (see tip #2).
How to be seen and heard? Introduce yourself in the chat, interact with the speakers during the Q&A, say hi to those who pressed "attend" on the event's page on LinkedIn, engage in social media discussions that use the event's hashtag. Last but not least - if available - engage with people during the virtual mingle.
#5 Grow your network even more by sharing your experience
The best way of learning something is through teaching, so, after the event, don't just close your laptop and hide into silence with all your new insights! Share your thoughts, feedback and ideas with your network - in a circle of colleagues or on LinkedIn. People are hungry for already synthesized summaries and ideas!
If you made it all the way down here - thank you for reading! We hope you will find these tips handy for the upcoming?Top Packaging Summit?or any other digital event experience.