Here's How To Curb Your Inaction.
Dave D'Angelo
Host of the Built By People Podcast ??? | HR Community Builder | Previ is saving employees thousands on essential services through our private pricing network, and at no cost to the employer.
At some point in your life you've felt paralyzed. Paralyzed from taking action. Paralyzed from making important decisions.
You've felt overwhelmed with information. You've felt a weight of anxiety. You've feared failure or making the wrong decision. You've consumed your mind with assumptions not rooted in truth but rather what if's. You've had insecurity or lack of confidence stop you in your tracks.
It's kept you exactly where you are, and it hasn't brought you closer to realizing your true potential. For starters, you aren't alone. Indecisiveness, insecurity, anxiety, lack of confidence and inaction plague a lot of people at some point in their lives.
While there's complexity to this mix of emotional turmoil, there's simplicity in a solution that can drive you out of this mindset.
Start small, and begin by taking more action. When you are afraid to jump...jump. Take a step back and take a deep breathe. Make forward strides, even if that equates to stumbling forward. Yes, it is true that you may fail along the way and make mistakes. Change your mindset about failure and mistakes by transforming their definitions to "learning moments".
Whenever I feel overcome with anxiety and indecisiveness I know it is the right time to make a decision and get to work. When I make the decision and get to work I realize that what follows isn't nearly as daunting as the fearful imagery and deep emotions I tied to a future unknown.
Getting to work and achieving small tasks throughout the day creates a sense of accomplishment. It helps you feel like you are making progress. That progress gives you confidence, and you start to feel more inclined to trust your decision making.
If you take one piece of advice from me I hope it is this - Start now. Make many decisions throughout the day. Don't overthink. Constantly adapt along the way. Remember that every stumbling block is a learning moment. Strive forward with optimism and a belief in yourself. Only those who decide end up in a place different from where they started.