Here’s How to Become a Bitcoin Winner and Prevent Bitcoin’s Volatility From Becoming Your Worst Enemy.
The key is to understand the two essential things Bitcoin has to offer you. Sorry, it's not profit in weak money.
I've been in the Bitcoin world since 2016.
I'm starting to have some experience with the Bitcoin market, and so I've been through a lot of euphoria and resignation phases. I've experienced a whole lot of FOMO and a whole lot of FUD.
I'll go through a lot more in the future.
I write the In Bitcoin We Trust newsletter every day to share my experience, my vision, my thoughts, and my opinions on the Bitcoin revolution. I try to show as many people as possible that Bitcoin is much more than a speculative asset, as the financial giants would have the general public believe.
That's why some people ask me: “How I can be on the winning side with Bitcoin?”
My answer is simple, and I'm going to share it here with as many people as possible.
To be a winner with Bitcoin, you must first understand that Bitcoin is not about maximizing your profits in weak money, but rather about offering you two far more essential things: Time and Freedom.
Bitcoin is there to free you from the fiat system that reduces you to a kind of modern-day slavery. Bitcoin as MoE is the future, not a distraction as Michael J. Saylor claims.
1 BTC = 1 BTC is not a Meme, but a concept that you need to integrate into your way of thinking.
Once you've understood the meaning of this equality, you'll understand that by buying Bitcoin, you're buying yourself time to live your life on your terms.
Bitcoin is all about power. Bitcoin gives you power back, but only if you stop watching FOMC meetings as if Jerome Powell were a messiah.
Get out of the playground in which the Fed locks us. Make sure you're no longer dependent on the “Don't Fight the Fed” rule. If you can do that, that is, if you stop constantly looking at the price of Bitcoin in US Dollar terms, then you've already taken a big step.
When the Bitcoin market collapses by more than 10% in weak money due to people who still don't understand why Bitcoin exists, which is what's happening right now, you'll be able to stay calm.
Because you'll understand that it's all part of the game in a free market like Bitcoin's and that for you, these price fluctuations don't change your objectives with the Bitcoin revolution.
Whether the price of Bitcoin is $107K or $94K, it doesn't change the fundamental freedoms Bitcoin offers you:
1. Freedom to receive
Bitcoin gives you the freedom to receive money whenever you want from anyone. You provide an address on the Bitcoin network, and you only have to wait a few minutes for your address to be credited with the amount sent by the person making the transaction.
No one can prevent this transaction from taking place. You do not need to ask permission from a third party as is the case with the banking system. The government cannot confiscate your BTC.
To access this first fundamental freedom that Bitcoin gives you, you must have in your possession the private keys associated with your BTC. You only own the BTC whose private keys you have in your possession.
2. Freedom to send
Just as you can receive Bitcoin from anyone at any time, you can safely send Bitcoin to the other side of the world within minutes at any time.
You don't have to wait for your bank to open for your transfer order to be executed. Bitcoin works all the time. The Bitcoin network has an uptime of 99.98% since its launch almost 16 years ago. This is incredible when you think that Bitcoin only works because of its users.
Bitcoin has never been supported by governments or private investment banks. Bitcoin's success is above all due to the confidence of its users in the revolution it embodies.
Without any leader, Bitcoin belongs to all its users. This is essential and makes the Bitcoin network unstoppable. There is no one to sue to try to stop Bitcoin. Bitcoin will continue to work no matter what. Decentralization is so great.
3. Freedom to hold
Many people feel free to use their fiat money as they wish. They feel that they can accumulate money in their bank account without worry. In reality, if they do this, they will inevitably lose purchasing power due to the ravages of monetary inflation.
If you had left $1,000 in a bank account in 1971, the value of your $1,000 would not even represent $124 in purchasing power by 2024 ($123.93)—an 87.607% loss in value in just 53 years:
With today's monetary and financial system, you cannot keep your money in a bank account. The U.S. dollar was designed to be spent. This is the only way to prevent your fiat currency from inevitably devaluing over time.
In contrast, Bitcoin was designed to be saved. Bitcoin is the best savings technology in the world. The last few years have helped more and more people understand that the best money-saving hack could be summed up in two words: Buy Bitcoin. Of course, after buying Bitcoin, you have to HODL Bitcoin. Bitcoin gives you that freedom because its price keeps increasing over time.
As long as the Bitcoin system preserves these 3 freedoms, you have nothing to worry about the Bitcoin revolution. The Bitcoin revolution will continue to thrive. What's more, it will give you access to a fourth fundamental freedom: the freedom to live your life on your own terms.
You will no longer have to obey the wishes of your government, which wants only one thing: to push you to spend more and more of your hard-earned money. If you don't spend it, it will take most of it from you through taxes, or it will lose all its value.
With Bitcoin, it's in your best interest to work hard because your hard-earned money continues to increase in value over time. This is because Bitcoin has a maximum supply that is hard-capped to 21 million units. This incredible paradigm shift is only understood by a minority of people on Earth.
So if you want to be one of the winners with Bitcoin, you simply have to take the time to study the Bitcoin system properly. Knowledge is the key when faced with a technological disruption like Bitcoin. Education is the key, and that's why I often tell you that the educational work done in El Salvador with young people is essential.
This is how you change the future of a Nation: by educating children to become enlightened citizens when it comes to money. The aim is to stop them being trapped in the lies of the current system.
So you have two choices.
The first is to fall victim to the volatility of the Bitcoin price in weak money. I advise against this.
The second is to study Bitcoin again and again, to dominate your emotions and detach yourself from the price of Bitcoin in weak money. You can even take advantage of these moments of public panic to strengthen your Bitcoin positions. I call it “Super DCA”:
In this way, you'll make Bitcoin's volatility your best ally.
As you can see, the key to being a Bitcoin winner is education. Education will increase your knowledge. By increasing your knowledge of Bitcoin, you'll gain confidence in this unique monetary revolution. You'll then be able to take full advantage of the two essential things Bitcoin offers you: Time and Freedom.
The choice is yours.
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