Here's The Beginning of My Story

Here's The Beginning of My Story

Has anyone really ever known where they would be a year from now, let alone six months? Hell – what about next week?

I had high hopes and big dreams a year ago – I still do but there is a purpose and a passion behind my hopes and dreams. Stumble a lot, keep getting up, get gray hairs at 20, and you’ll need something more than prestige or money to pick yourself up each time.

This is not to impart that I have the answer or the solution – wise words once given to me were, “if someone tells you to trust them that they know what they’re doing, then they’re probably full of shit and lying to you... so DON’T listen to them!” – Thanks, Graham Peck.

What I do have is an experience unique to myself and something I hope you can relate to some chapter in your life... after all, life can be viewed as a chapter book with us in our own unique chapters. Mine could be titled, “Defiance, Relentlessness, and a Charm That Ties It Together

I like to think it’s just, “Jack’s way”… semantics ;)

My journey has been far from alone and I am grateful for the supportive friends I have; a family that tries to understand my irrational attitudes and relentless focus; mentors and advisors I can seek out for their advice and help; business partners I can rely on; and, the acquaintances and people I have met along shaping my worldview and perspectives. Afterall, it takes a village to raise a child. My children happen to be my business pursuits.

I set out a few months ago to start writing more consistently and I did – but my intent was that I would post more... several months of relentless focus and non-stop working has redirected my creative focus... However, as two years of non-stop focus and work come to fruition, I am now ready to share my story.

I want to share my story because I believe everyone should. Too often hear people express one-sided mindsets and believe the world’s equilibrium is still a zero-sum game where there are winners and losers. There’s an abundance of opportunity for everyone to be a winner – you just need to be vulnerable enough to understand you have great strengths and great weaknesses and that it takes courage to address your weaknesses and constantly improve.

Early this fall, I set out to improve my communication and leadership skills. I wasn’t used to having people care about what I was doing and question it so feverishly, I was an outsider and never really fit in as a kid. I didn’t know what it was like to lead teams and businesses – I’d never been a captain of a sports team or held a leadership position in anything I did... I shrugged responsibility at every opportunity – I just wanted to do my own thing and be in my own world.

Growing as a leader and a communicator means I have to open up and allow myself to be vulnerable. It’s been these last few months that I have learned more about myself than I had the 20 years previously and it gives me more excitement to lead a life of passion, purpose, and impact.

I wanted to write a recap of 2017 – you know, catch up everyone on what I was doing.. but then I started writing and I realized I couldn’t just limit it to 2017 because my story (as is yours and everyone else’s) is far more intertwined with the years and experiences prior that. Here’s the start of my story:

My co-founder of Honest Projects, Conor Conaboy, and I often joke that nobody could’ve really ever had it this bad when they first started... then we realize, they often did. It’s very hard to understand what an entrepreneur means when he tells you it’s going to be shitty... we’d usually chuckle and think we knew what they were talking about... bullshit. Truth is, those stories of sleeping on friend’s couches and the endless side hustles while eating food from the back of the while losing sleep teaching yourself new things... they’re true and it’s what makes the grind and stress of building something from nothing worth it every morning when you wake up to a pounding headache and the constant reminder it used to feel good to be in shape and eat healthily.

I want to convey that this lifestyle isn’t for everyone and it shouldn’t be. I think the rise of social media and technology has obviously had its adverse consequences, of which is the viewpoint of many that entrepreneurship is glory and fame; college degrees are worthless; that being an employee will be unrewarding... three important topics I will address later in my story. I think this is, unfortunately, the reality of the world in which we live.

We are living in a world where we are in constant content overload – there is so much out there that to most, the real story is often lost because as humans, we are biologically trained to take the path of least resistance... and what is easier to find? A viral story on the internet about an overnight sensation or the lesser-known story of the countless struggles and sacrifices it took over many years to build something successful? It’s not even close – we’re glued to the hot story, not the real story.

A year ago, I had done what I had led so many people to believe I would do.. (or not do - Tom Doyal). I had just applied to transfer schools to study finance and real estate; I had internship offers in NYC, Chicago, Detroit in investment banking, venture capital, corporate strategy, real estate – I had proven to myself that I could do whatever I set my mind to.


None of it happened.. and I am happy it didn’t. To those mentioned in these stories, thank you for the knowledge, stories, advice, and learning moments that you’ve shared with me. I know I have led you to sometimes question my actions and your influence has led to a better balance in my life.

I hope my journey can be a source of inspiration to some and insight to others…

I am happy to share my life experiences, self-improvement, failures, purpose, and creating a better future... because I have many more chapters to write :)



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