Here's another crazy guarantee - with a video.
(Do this and I swear you'll do better)
I just spotted a seminar on how to find your "point of difference".
At first I was amazed.
Why would you hope to succeed without offering something better?
Pretty obvious, don't you think?
But finding what makes you better is not always obvious and it may be something quite simple.
But most people don't seem to have a clue.
Just look at how they describe themselves on LinkedIn. Same old stuff time after time.
A few years ago I wrote a piece about two fish and chip shops near my home in Somerset.
Their competitor next door was cheaper.
I tried both, and there wasn't much difference.
But one drove the other into bankruptcy, based on one thing alone.
They gave you more chips.
It didn't cost them much but because they sold more, their food was fresher.
If you went past on a Saturday evening at 6 p.m. they always had a queue - but no queue next door.
Would you like a list of "points of difference"?
Simple things that will make people choose you.
Once you find one if you dramatise it successfully you can really clean up.
Here's a video of me explaining.
There's a lot more like that on AskDrayton.
Why not invest $1 and see if it can help?