"here for you" also means supporting engagement
Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH
manufacturing solutions for cable & wire, optical fiber, and batteries. #here for you
Because it's a wonderful feeling to help. Because gratitude is just priceless. That's why, next to their regular job, Manuel and Sergiu are committed to helping people in need. We introduce 2 wonderful employees and their work for the Red Cross. THANK YOU!
Manuel Lebenbauer can probably recognize the Austrian Rosendahl Nextrom colleagues by their throats. He looked into their mouths very often over the past years since he was/is responsible for the corona testings at our headquarter in Pischelsdorf. We also appreciate his activities in the Health & Safety team. In addition, Manuel is a a first-aid assistant and manages the local Red Cross station in Pischelsdorf.
All or nothing
“When I join a team, I give it my full attention,” Manuel says. “Of course, there are also days when I actually don’t want to do my shift, but I have to get through these days too.” So it’s either all or nothing. He does around 144 rescue operations a year. He voluntarily invests almost every 3rd day or about 1,600 hours in this job. There are hours when the phone does not ring, but there are also situations when everything happens very quickly.
You don’t ask who the person is, whether you know them or someone you know is close to them. “When I come to an accident, I try to help as quickly as possible with everything I can.”
We experience a lot ...
Putting aside what you have experienced after the operation is sometimes not easy. Of course, helpers are trained for these situations, but you can’t learn it. ?You have to be the person for that,“ Manuel says. Together, many things are easier. That’s why conversations with colleagues at the station are especially helpful. Names are never mentioned, of course, because of the data protection. Together you can handle situations better and gain new strength for the next difficult operation.
People simply like talking to us
But there are also easier operations in between. Driving elderly people to a doctor’s appointment, for example. ?We always joke a bit with them on the way. So we maybe can take away a bit of the nervousness.“ Their joy of talking to the young women and men is always immense.
We have the right jacket for you
Manuel wants to tell us one more thing. At the Red Cross, there is ?the right jacket for everyone“. The tasks there are diverse and there is a suitable one for everyone. ?We are happy about everyone who wants to help!“. If you also want to support the great work of these organizations, here is a link to the current campaign of the Austrian Red Cross:
Despite valuable experience for safety at work and deep insight for building up our company paramedics system, working for the Red Cross had other major impacts on his work: “Dealing with different people and stressful situations, leadership skills and a clear way of communicating are only some of the positive effects on my professional career.”
International Red Cross
When it comes to caring about people in need, everyone is touched in some way or the other. One of our romanian colleagues, Sergiu Toca, took this will to help people further. For 7 years he volunteers for Red Cross Romania, with around 6,000 members.
Wide range
Since he became a part of the Red Cross team, Sergiu was involved in all kinds of aid campaigns like social programs to assist people without income; reparation and distribution of packages with food, clothes, or toys for people without income, elderly people, refugees, people in need during COVID times, children from foster care centers; and many others.
“Knowing you can make a difference in someone’s life, and you can help people in need is the drive for me. The 7 years of being a volunteer for the Red Cross, gave me so much satisfaction and so many moments where I learned to appreciate more what I have. I will continue to do this for as long as I can.”