Have you ever wondered why some things in life tend to come easily while others, it seems that even if you put a lot of energy and effort, do courses, and really dedicate yourself, you would still need a miracle to make that happen? You tried to have faith, used the law of attraction, spoke to the universe and other strategies, but still get little or no result in it? Am I right to say that the very things that are stuck in your life are the ones you want the most and that feelings of frustration are just getting more and more intense over time? Would you feel frustrated or desperate just to imagine that this is not going to happen in your life?

Someone in this situation would probably develop the “wrong faith”. Wrong faith is the kind of faith where you, deep down, don't really believe that something would happen, which results in self-sabotage. But because you rationally understand that “believing” is important, you end up developing a forced faith, that is, a faith that is driven by desperation – a faith that is not based on the belief of something happening, but on the fear or desperation of something not happening. For example, the main elements to make a seed sprout from the soil are water, light, and oxygen. Now imagine that the area of your life that is stuck is a seed. The “faith of despair” causes you to overwater it, drowning your seed. Or maybe it makes you so anxious that you cannot get away from it, staying all the time on the top of it, trying to control everything which results in you suffocating it and covering its light.

The areas that are stuck in your life will only flourish when you learn to deal with them the same way you deal with areas that flow easily. You're probably not that anxious or desperate for the things that come more easily in your life, are you? And that's exactly the secret! There is nothing wrong with chasing your dreams or desires, it is all about HOW you are chasing them. Even if your seed has access to good soil, water and sun, without the TIME factor, it will never sprout. When you develop the capacity to give it time, you reach a level of surrendering full control over it, moving from the "desperate condition" – by the way a faith that does not involve SURRENDER is not real faith.

The despair and agony of imagining your dreams not happening only push it away, while true faith attracts its realization. The desperation causes you to expend a lot of energy and effort just to have a small portion of what you want, while the real faith attracts your dreams. Always consider that there is someone as interested as you to make it happen in your life, the one who put that very dream and desire in your heart, who happens to be the ruler of the universe and creator of life itself. Leave the fear and desperation of it not happening behind, learn how to chase your dreams with real faith as you surrender control, and you will naturally attract its fulfillment.

Never allow the fear of not making it be stronger than faith to make it happen.


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