Here is what Senator Blackburn of Tennessee attacked Vindman for, i.e. "lack of Patriotism", while she broke the law and skipped Impeachment trial
Gotta love it
Blackburn is part of a group of GOP fanatics which think that repetition of lies will be better than documentary evidence, and so that information overloading of US voters with garbage is perfectly acceptable
Mind you this ties very closely with the issues brought up here
The facts are these. i.e. each GOP Senator whom acquits Trump will be rewarded by Cash from the Russian Federation. As the Russian Federation bankrolls much of the present GOP, it is an inconvenient but damning truth that the GOP Senators, Lindsey Graham and also Mich McConnell are agents of the Russian Federation
The reason why the GOP senators do not want to convict Trump is due to filthy blackmail where their Russian Governmental and Russian Mafia benefactors will expose them as agents of the Kremlin if they dare to convict Donald Trump
Never in the history of the United States has the majority of the US Senate, let alone the White House, is financed directly by a foreign Power, in this case the Kremlin. But that is what we face today.
American citizens whom look at this carnage need to get it that their president does not work for the American people but for Vladimir Putin and the Russian Mafia. Ditto the same for Mitch McConnell. This situation of abject compromised authority is way beyond the betrayal of America which happened due to Benedict Arnold. I.e. the only analogy which fits this horror would probably be the case of Wang Ching Wei of the puppet Nanjing City state Republic which allied itself with Japan during the Sino-Japanese war of 1937 to 1945.
End of quote
Blackburn is part of the the new emerging face of tyranny, if it is not faced up to by verifiable facts. Time to shoot down the lies and to set the record straight.
Here is what she did, FOR THE RECORD.
GOP senator attacked Lt Col Vindman for not being patriotic — while she was ignoring the impeachment trial
Published 1 min ago on January 23, 2020
Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) attacked veteran and former Soviet escapee Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman while she was supposed to be attending the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.
Blackburn, who’s been criticized for not paying attention, was either tweeting from the chamber or left the Senate floor to tweet out her displeasure of the former Iraq vet.
“Alexander Vindman broke the chain of command and leaked the contents of the President’s July 25th phone call to his pal, the “whistleblower.” Over a policy dispute with the President!” Blackburn said. “How is that not vindictive?”
Sen. Marsha Blackburn
Alexander Vindman broke the chain of command and leaked the contents of the President’s July 25th phone call to his pal, the “whistleblower.” Over a policy dispute with the President!
How is that not vindictive?
4:16 PM - Jan 23, 2020
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On the first day of the trial, Blackburn was caught spending most of her time talking to Fox News. Thursday she was observed reading a book that had nothing to do with the impeachment trial and tweeted multiple times attacking others.
End of quote
Now, back in the real world, not the fantasy world of Senator Blackburn, this is what was going on which she tried to skip out on
Trump prosecuted for ‘flagrantly’ abusing power and violating his oath during impeachment trial
Published 1 min ago on January 23, 2020
Democrats told President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial Thursday that he openly and dangerously abused his powers to gain political advantage.
House impeachment managers laid out the evidence for the first of two articles of impeachment against the US leader in the second day of arguments, methodically dismantling Republican claims that Trump did nothing wrong in soliciting electoral help from Ukraine last year.
As the 100 senators sat as jurors, the prosecutors played old videos in which two of the president’s closest defenders said that abuse of power is a clear impeachable offense, puncturing a key White House argument that the US constitution requires a specific crime to remove a president.
“President Trump used the powers of his office to solicit a foreign nation to interfere in our elections for his own personal benefit,” House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler, one of the impeachment managers, told the chamber.
“Since President George Washington took office in 1789, no president has abused his power in this way,” Nadler said.
“The president has repeatedly, flagrantly, violated his oath… The president’s conduct is wrong. It is illegal. And it is dangerous.”
‘Loaded with lies’
Democrats were planning to spend Thursday’s trial session arguing their case on the first impeachment charge, and take on the second — obstruction of Congress — on Friday.
That will be the prosecution’s final day before Trump’s defense takes the Senate podium from Saturday to Tuesday.
Democrats are hoping to break Republican unity and vote with them to remove the president — an uphill battle given the Republicans’ 53-47 majority in the Senate and Trump’s ability to keep his party in line.
They are also hoping that, ten months before national elections, the nationally televised hearings will sway voters dubious of impeachment that Trump is unworthy of reelection.
After reports that many republicans were absent from much of Wednesday’s session, House Chaplain Barry Black opened the hearing Thursday with a invocation call to listen.
“Lord, help them remember that listening is often more than hearing,” he said. “It can be an empathetic attentiveness that builds bridges and unity.”
At the White House, Trump unleashed a barrage of tweets attacking the process as “loaded with lies and misrepresentations.”
He attacked Adam Schiff, the chief House prosecutor who led the opening arguments Tuesday, in starkly personal terms, calling him “Shifty Schiff,” and retweeted criticism of the California lawmaker made by White House supporters to Fox News.
High crimes and misdemeanors
Nadler, a longtime adversary of the New York real estate tycoon, challenged a key tenet of the president’s legal defense: that neither of the charges against him, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, constituted a criminal charge matching the US Constitution’s stipulation for “high crimes and misdemeanors” for impeachment.
He reached deep into English law for the origins of the phrase, as defining “offenses against the nation itself.”
And he cited the writings of the men who authored the US constitution in the 1780s, the “framers” much hallowed in US history.
“The framers were not naive. They knew that power corrupts,” Nadler said.
“Simply stated, impeachment is the constitution’s final answer to a president who mistakes himself for a king.”
Underscoring the point, he taunted Republicans by playing late 1990s videos of Trump’s most steadfast Senate defender, Lindsey Graham, and a member of his legal team, storied criminal defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz, both saying that abuse of power was indeed an impeachable charge.
Biden and Ukraine
Following Nadler, another impeachment manager, Sylvia Garcia, methodically detailed how Trump’s using the pressure of aid to get dirt from Ukraine on his potential 2020 reelection rival Joe Biden was done for purely political reasons, She insisted there was no evidence backing Trump’s claims that he was legitimately probing corruption.
She played videos of Trump officials, including the head of the FBI, dismissing his claim that Ukraine helped Democrats in the 2016 election.
“Where did this theory come from? You guessed it: the Russians,” Garcia said in the nationally televised hearing.
“What is so dangerous is that President Trump is helping them perpetuate this — our own president is helping our adversary attack our processes.”
And, in a surprise, Garcia picked through the connections that former vice president Biden and his son Hunter had with Ukraine — the son had served on the board of a leading Ukrainian energy firm — to demonstrate there were no grounds for any allegations of corruption against them.
End of quote
Blackburn is part of a group of GOP fanatics which think that repetition of lies will be better than documentary evidence, and so that information overloading of US voters with garbage is perfectly acceptable
Mind you this ties very closely with the issues brought up here
The facts are these. i.e. each GOP Senator whom acquits Trump will be rewarded by Cash from the Russian Federation. As the Russian Federation bankrolls much of the present GOP, it is an inconvenient but damning truth that the GOP Senators, Lindsey Graham and also Mich McConnell are agents of the Russian Federation
The reason why the GOP senators do not want to convict Trump is due to filthy blackmail where their Russian Governmental and Russian Mafia benefactors will expose them as agents of the Kremlin if they dare to convict Donald Trump
Never in the history of the United States has the majority of the US Senate, let alone the White House, is financed directly by a foreign Power, in this case the Kremlin. But that is what we face today.
American citizens whom look at this carnage need to get it that their president does not work for the American people but for Vladimir Putin and the Russian Mafia. Ditto the same for Mitch McConnell. This situation of abject compromised authority is way beyond the betrayal of America which happened due to Benedict Arnold. I.e. the only analogy which fits this horror would probably be the case of Wang Ching Wei of the puppet Nanjing City state Republic which allied itself with Japan during the Sino-Japanese war of 1937 to 1945.
End of quote
ONCE AGAIN for the record
Blackburn is part of the the new emerging face of tyranny, if it is not faced up to by verifiable facts. Time to shoot down the lies and to set the record straight.
Andrew Beckwith, PhD