Here is what school will look like in 2030
What was school like for you? I hated school. I hated the desks in rows, the standardized testing, and the awful cafeteria food. More than anything, I could not stand the vast amounts of time I felt I was wasting by learning things that held no relevance to my adult life. As a student, I dreamed of doing school a different way.
I now spend almost every day working to disrupt and change the system that I believe failed me and so many other students. I talk, write and dream so much about the future of learning, education, and schools. Here is what I hope school will look like in 10 years in 2030.
School Buildings
The school building as you know it will change. No more sectioned off classrooms featuring heavy doors and narrow windows. No more desks in rows facing a projector screen and a lectern. Dusty textbooks, old chalkboards and tired school decorations will be gone.
School buildings will be vibrant and dynamic. They will feature what is today called “flexible seating.” In other words, many schools will look more and more like a WeWork or your favorite coworking space! Schools will feature maker spaces, and engineering spaces so students can use their hands to manipulate items and learn.
Schools will be filled with new technologies like VR/AR sets, voice controlled devices and the latest laptops and tablets for each student to engage with.
The role of the teacher in 2030 will change drastically from today. You probably knew your teacher as the content expert. Typically, schools hire Mrs. Roberts to teach math because she knows math really well. Your English teacher typically loves literature and maybe has a small writing career on the side. Teachers have been required to be content experts for so long.
In 2030, adaptive learning software will replace direct instruction. Adaptive learning software is computer software that uses AI to move students up and down through a grade level’s content based on student performance on assessment questions. Adaptive learning is faster and more efficient than even the best teachers.
Using adaptive learning software to teach core content means that teachers no longer have to be content experts. With adaptive learning software, the role of the teacher changes. The teacher is now a motivator, coach, curriculum designer and mentor to the student.
Since adaptive learning software is faster than instruction today, the future will see schools condense pure academic work to three hours per day, using the other three or four hours in the day to teach life skills or let students explore personal interest projects. This means the role as a motivator is one of the most important roles a teacher will play.
Students change constantly. In 2030 learning will come to students on demand in the form of cutting edge technology. There will be an app for almost everything you can imagine. AR/VR and mixed reality will immerse students in the learning resulting in deeper understanding of the content they study.
This ultimately means students will have more choice and control in the future of education.
My best guess is that there will be an economic downturn in the United States in 2025. When that happens, many American colleges and universities will suffer. Some will close their doors. Ultimately students will, in 2030, find attractive career preparation offerings outside of the college system.
Lambda School, Flatiron School and programs like it will become the new barrier for hire. An endorsement from these programs will help many students forgo a traditional four-year university while still landing valuable careers.
This means at the k-12 level, schools will shift and heavily focus on skills acquisition as opposed to rote memorization and content “mastery.”
School is going to massively innovate in 2030. What do you think about these innovations? What would you add?
I taught in a traditional school setting for 5 years before entering my current role where I design curriculum, plan projects and motivate students to break all of the rules. I'm interested in change and finding the next set of large innovations to the classroom through the use of adaptive learning technology and AI. The world is rapidly innovating and it is my belief that schools must follow that trend. Connect with me on LinkedIn and follow me on Twitter to keep having great conversations.
Teacher at Liberty Central School District
1 年I’m very curious if a robot will be taking care of Elementary age students or if parents will leave their careers to home school using this method? I’d love to see what a phonics lesson looks like to teach reading also. And I also wonder how much more screen time kids need to continue to damage them in so many ways. I’m sorry, but this really sounds very damaging to our children. Actually I’m not sorry, just worried about the future of our children.
Director at Watson Batty Architects
3 年Mike this style of pedagogy was introduced as part of the building schools for the future programme in the UK a number of years ago. Many schools adopted transformational learning which placed the student at the centre of learning. The student is then supported through their learning journey by both mentors and technology. Due to a change in government and funding streams many of the exciting learning developments reverted back to very traditional didactic learning styles I know that there is still a place for your vision of learning in the classroom, and we make every effort to shape our buildings where we can to be agile and adaptable.
Podcaster of Let’s Lang with Global Donnica- The Global Series
3 年Changes such as these will work well for those who have a great foundation in reading and math yet this will create a huge disparity for those who who lack certain skill sets such as reading, writing , and critical thinking skills. Those who still desire to attend those prestigious universities will more than likely follow a different track.
We need to rethink education holistically. This starts with formal and informal learning and this may include the divisions between school and work. It is time for efficiency to creep into education. When considering tasks, people want to know the ROI - the return on invested effort. Schools need to become more consumer friendly and offer students multiple ways to learn concepts. This will include a full variety of modes that include private tudors, in-person classes, remote learning, online tudors, and internships, etc.