Here we go again . UK National Lock down until 2nd November 2020 due to covid19

Coronavirus Update – 2 November 2020


After a very eventful weekend, we’re sure you are aware we are now expecting to re-enter a national lockdown on Thursday. So, what will this mean for employers and employees?

Since parliament has not yet approved the lockdown, there are still a few questions about what we can expect but, for now, here’s what we know:


  • Everyone should stay at home and only attend their workplaces if they cannot work from home. Examples the Government gives of roles where employees might not be able to work from home are factories and in the construction industry which will remain open and people can attend work.
  • After the very short-lived Job Support Scheme (which we are expecting to come back after lockdown when the regional tiered approach is expected to be re-introduced), we are now back to furlough.



The furlough scheme will be broadly the same as before; 

  • The flexible furlough will be permitted (where employees are able to work some hours and are furloughed for unworked hours), alongside full furlough (where employees are unable to work any hours).
  • 80% of wages up to the cap of £2,500 can be claimed under the Scheme. This is more generous than the JSS where employers had to contribute 20%. Employers can still top wages up to 100% if they wish.
  • Employers will pay employer NI and pension contributions.
  • To be eligible, employees must have been on the payroll by 30 October 2020, but they don’t need to have been furloughed before.
  • Employers and employees can agree to extend notices of redundancy so that employees remain eligible for furlough.
  • Other financial support is available for businesses – ask your accountants what this looks like.


  • Employees should only travel where absolutely necessary; this means employers will likely see a lot of cancelled annual leave requests. Whilst employers can refuse to give this holiday back, they should bear in mind that this may divert from the purpose of annual leave and employees could dispute such decisions on those grounds.

 Clinically vulnerable and Employment rights

  • The Government is asking the extremely clinically vulnerable not to go into workplaces even if they cannot work from home. There is limited enforceability here, but employees may be able to rely on ss44 Employment Rights Act where an employee can refuse to return to their place of work where the workplace poses a serious and imminent risk of danger.

Mental health and wellbeing

Whilst we are concerned about the economy and the potential impact on our clients’ and connections across the UK, I also very concerned about the mental health impact which this lockdown may have. It’s easy to see that this lockdown won’t be like the last one; it’s winter, it’s dark, and (perhaps most importantly) a lot of people thought or hoped that we were through the worst of it.

Through out October I have been walking every day to raise awareness about the wellbeing of the nation.


With another lockdown happening in the UK, awareness of services like these are now more important than ever. If you or someone you know is struggling, all of the below are here to help:

Samaritans: 116 123


chit-chat: 0333 002 0333

Anxiety UK: 03444 775 774

Mind: 0300 123 3393

Supportline: 01708 765 200

Calm: 0800 58 58 58

And specifically for any lawyers in my network:

Law Care UK: 0800 279 6888

Law Society Helpine (pastoral matters): 020 7320 5795

If you are aware of any others I may have missed, please leave a comment below and I will try to add it to the list.

#law #mentalhealth #wellbeing #lawyers

To donate to my walking for male suicide please click below.

I am walking 5km at least everyday of October to raise money and awareness about male suicide, mental health and wellbeing during covid19. 

Please donate. I Smashed my £500 target now going for £3000. Please donate whatever you can even £1. Now going for 10k a day.  It’s getting tough with the darkness, cold weather, manchester rain , work.

Beautiful Autumnal colours keep me going. 

Can any one match fund my money raised?;

As ever the advise and update is not legal advice but a summary of the up to date position as of 2nd November.

For employment or all covid related law advice please contact for advice.

Sally Penni MBE

Tricia Peters

Quality networking | Cheshire |Warrington | Manchester | Online | Breakfast Networking | Netwalks | Women in Business | Non Membership PAYG

4 年

Really helpful information here, thanks Sally. Its a dilemma for employers if employees can't take all their annual leave this year. Employees will want to take it but will their employer be able to accommodate.


