Here are three ideas, two quotes, and one question to consider this week.

Here are three ideas, two quotes, and one question to consider this week.

3 Ideas

I. "The most important habit is choosing the right habit to work on."


II. "Ambition is when you expect yourself to close the gap between what you have and want.

Entitlement is when you expect others to close the gap between what you have and want."


III. "It's generally better to over-communicate.

If you wait to reply because you don't have an answer yet (or because you don't want to share bad news), the other party often ends up making assumptions about what the delayed reply might mean.

Silence frustrates and confuses people. Better to communicate early and often."

2 Quotes From Others

I. Ronald Sharp on how friendship transforms us (or any great relationship, really):

"It’s not about what someone can do for you; it's who and what the two of you become in each other's presence."

Source: Do Your Friends Actually Like You?


II. Tara Ploughman with an obvious, but often ignored, insight:

"Never offer what you'd hate someone for accepting."

Source: Quotes

Note: Tara Ploughman is reported, as an anagram of entrepreneur Paul Graham.

1 Question For You

Do you know if this habit still serves me, or am I blindly following an old routine?

Read on James Clear.


