?? Celebrating 63 Work Anniversaries at Interprint! ??


Interprint congratulates long-standing employees

The pride was visible on his face. On January 28, Jens Bauer, CEO of the Arnsberg-based decor printing company Interprint, congratulated 63 employees. They have been with the company for 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, or even 40 years. But the honorees, too, have every reason to be proud – they have played a crucial role in making Interprint one of the leading international providers in its field today.

There is a lot of talk about the opportunities of non-linear career paths – about people who are here today and somewhere else tomorrow. For some, such a dynamic career can be an exciting and promising model. But staying loyal to a single company can also lead to a fulfilling professional life. Enjoying work. Growing successfully – both personally and professionally. The many employees whom Interprint honors year after year for their long-standing commitment prove just that. In 2024, 63 professionals celebrated their work anniversaries – 12 of them have been with the company since their apprenticeship. At the end of January, they were rewarded accordingly – depending on their years of service – with different gifts, an attractive bonus, and additional vacation days.

In his speech, Jens Bauer emphasized the significance of such long-term dedication. Loyalty and commitment not only foster a highly positive corporate culture, but they also lead to better results. They build the foundation for trust – an engagement that can be relied upon at all times. It is only through the passion of all employees over the years that Interprint has become the successful company it is today.

One job, one company – that may have been the norm in the past, but today it can no longer be taken for granted. It requires the right work environment, good chemistry between employees and leadership, and exciting internal career prospects. Looking at the many honorees, Interprint seems to have all these factors in place. But do the new apprentices see it that way as well? Time will tell. What is certain is that they consistently recognize Interprint as an “outstanding training company” – a distinction Interprint has held for over 10 years. And as the 63 honorees would surely confirm: The first day at Interprint could be the start of a lifelong friendship.



