Here are some things that love has never done:
Here are some things that love has never done: it has never enslaved the weaker; it never takes advantage of the ignorant; it has never reigned as a despot or tyrant; it did not vote for the rum traffic; it never steals or takes advantage; it never seeks a divorce; it is never in court as a criminal; it never seeks its own. It never behaves unseemly in the family life; it never gets drunk; it never sets a bad example before the children; it does not swear, blaspheme, or use vile language; it does not remember evil that has been committed against it; it does not talk about the weakness and failure of others; it does not rejoice in evil things, and it is never happy when its enemy has been defeated.
This is the negative side of love. You ask, "what does love do?"
It Seeketh not its own; it destroys selfishness; it bears the burdens of others.
When it discovers that someone has done an unseemly thing, it covers it up, it shields it and never talks about it. Can't you see the vast contrast between selfishness and love?
It is no wonder that the Commissar under Stalin who had charge of the educational system of Russia said, 'We must kill love, we hate Christians. Love makes men soft. We must learn to hate. We must learn to kill." That is selfishness unbridled. In a country where love has been destroyed, it becomes perfectly shameless. Here are some facts we must recognize. There are two kinds of love. One is natural human love, the other is the Jesus kind of love. In the opening of this chapter I gave you a picture of the Jesus kind of love, the kind Communism hates. Why do they hate this love? Because Communism is builded upon selfishness.
You see, there are two kinds of Communism. There is a Communism governed by selfish men, and a Communism governed by love. Following the birth of the early church there was such an out-pouring of love that "they had all things in common, and no one said aught that he possessed was his own." Satan has tried to imitate that through selfishness, through selfish men, but it cannot be done. It is a notorious fact that there are only three or four million communists in Russia, and they are the rulers and under-rulers of the other one hundred and fifty or sixty million people. The rulers believe in Communism because it makes them masters, and their people slaves. No form of government where selfishness reigns is safe for the weak and poor.
Sense Knowledge governments have always enslaved the poor and weak. The strong govern the weak. Might is right in the realm of selfishness. These selfish law makers fear the Jesus kind of love for two reasons. In the first place, it reveals their meanness and selfishness. The other reason is that the Jesus kind of love is the positive enemy of selfishness. The two cannot work together. You see, self preservation is the first law of natural man.
It seeks to save itself, while love is the very opposite . . . it seeks to save others. All the crimes that were committed in war, international crimes, were born of selfishness. The war between labor and capital is a war of selfishness. Capital is builded upon selfishness. Love would never go on strike. Love would never grind labor's face into the dust. The only solution of the labor and capital problem is to bring the capitalists into vital contact with Agapa, the new kind of Love. This new kind of love is the nature of God, imparted to man in the New Birth. It is the only solution of the labor and capital problem.
Selfishness of a deadly type is sweeping our land. It is bound to bring a war between capital and labor. Capital has everything to lose in a war of that kind, and labor has nothing to gain. Labor is dependent upon capital for its living. The only solution is the Jesus kind of love . . . the love that He brought to the world. Selfishness has given birth to every ideology that is deadly. Capital and organized labor is one of its fruitages. One branch of labor says we must have Communism. There can be no peace in the world as long as selfishness is ruling. There must arise a man of love, with the same ability to lead men as a Stalin or a Hitler, to lead the forces out of the realm of selfishness into the realm of love.
The love of what money gives is the root of all kinds of evil. When a selfish man gains the ascendancy in a community, he becomes a menace to society. The Church is the only enemy of selfishness. When I say "Church," I mean the New Creation folk, the people who walk in love. Not the church as she is today. Many of the leaders of our denominations are modernists and even Communists. Spiritual death, the nature of Satan, has given selfishness to us. The nature and Life of the Son of God has given to us Love, and the conflict today is between Love and Selfishness. Love awaits a leader, to build a new type of Christianity.
A new type of men, who will teach cooperation rather than exploitation. It will either be that, or we will become the slaves of another Hitler. As long as selfishness reigns, the strong will enslave the weak. The intellectual will enslave the ignorant. The classes will enslave the masses. The French Revolution did not solve the problem of France. Stalin did not solve the Russian problem.
Hitler did not solve the German problem. We have one tremendous responsibility facing us, and that is prayer! The only solution of the impending problem is to bring God on the scene. We need a national Revival . . . . not a Revival of religion, but a Revival of Eternal Life. Only Eternal Life will give us the New Love Law that should rule us.
The Hidden Man.