Here are some qualities that can make you emotionally intelligent.
Are you wondering if you are an emotionally intelligent person? Here are a few qualities

Here are some qualities that can make you emotionally intelligent.

(FREE Article Creatively Written by Preethi Fernando

What is Emotional Intelligence?


Emotionally intelligent typically stand out from others. If you have always been surrounded by toxic, difficult, controlling people, and you have the luck of being surrounded by an emotionally intelligent person you will “feel” the refreshing difference. Their qualities are subtle yet powerful.


Below, I share some qualities of an emotionally intelligent person.


If you are from the Denver, Colorado area join me for a FREE 1-hr workshop on “Emotional Intelligence Tools in Toxic Work environments” on September 24th at Holiday Inn, Lakewood, Colorado. Free sign up here:


1 They leave others in emotional increase. In other words, they do something for us,? to lift out spirits.

2 They can feel. The pain of another, the happiness of another. They have empathy.

3 They have. The ability to think beyond themselves. While they are caring for. Themselves, they also care for others.

4 They leave healthy ripple effects wherever they go. They don’t leave a trail of mess- in emotional, physical, or financial matters. They leave things in a way for the other person to pick up easily and smoothly

5 They have calm in the storm. Self controlled

6 They unleash the power of kindness. Kindness is not meekness for an emotionally intelligent person. It is power.

7 They build others. Not tear them down

#8 Bonus point: They see the larger picture.


Join me for a FREE 1-hour workshop, in Lakewood, Colorado, on September 24th, 2:00pm-3:00pm, at the Holiday Inn, on “Emotional Intelligence Tools for Toxic Work Environments.” Approved for continuing education. Here is the link to sign up:


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