Not Here Please
Steve Blampied
Mindset Expert, helping professionals change their thoughts, feelings and behaviours & overcome stress, anxiety, overwhelm & burnout. Healing minds - Unlocking potential
I often say that not having a goal or plan for your life, but just wanting it to change,
is like jumping into a taxi,
and when the driver says "Where To?"
saying "Not here please".
And I do believe that.
But at the same time I also know that a lot people don't have a clue what that goal or plan is.
They don't even know where to start.
Years of conditioning by "the system"
started at a young age by (hopefully) well-meaning,
but also conditioned, parents,
followed by years of school where it's more important to turn up on time and "behave",
and to memorise facts,
rather than develop our abilities around critical thinking,
leaves most people really badly equipped for figuring out what might be important to them.
I get that.
Many people have told me they don't know what their "North Star" is, or even how to find it.
And I know I sometimes make it all sound so easy...
But that's only because I took about 30 YEARS to figure it out.
Anyone who works on something for 10, or 20, or 30 years is going to make it look easy.
If you had asked me about my North Star when I was flipping burgers at 2am, or stacking supermarket shelves, or fixing power tools, or building computer networks
(yes, I've had A LOT of jobs LOL)
I wouldn't have been able to answer you with anything other than
"Not This !!"
But, eventually, I was forced to figure it out,
and then figured out how to help other people shortcut the process.
So, if you don't know what your purpose is, if you don't know what you want, that's ok.
Start with "Not here please"
and just do a little "sightseeing" until something catches your attention.
And when you see something interesting,
I'll be here to guide you.