Here & Now..

Here & Now..

Had been a part of Human Interaction LAB at TISS (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) as a part of our curriculum "PGDOC" (Executive Post Graduate Diploma in OD & Change), this learning involves the discipline & art of staying present. I had mixed feelings before experiencing my first Human Interaction Lab; I had little knowledge on “Human Interaction Labs” but genuinely I didn’t want to explore much on google as I wanted to see what it offers as the process.

I wasn’t sure about what is placed for me in this journey, but we all participants were amateur stunt man when it comes to this space; each session, each individual, each place, each setup, each T-Group, each consultant has distinct ways to add energy to iotas. Our captains for this transformation were learned systemic stalwarts of HIL – Sushma Sharma (Elegant with sharp Gravitas), Gauri Nigudkar (Has emotive power of voice, has traits of Charumathi ) & Payal Gupta (Executive presence with Kalon mind).

Unlike other science labs, where experiments are typically done with certain apparatus, equipment, chemicals, beakers, burners etc. This Lab too had a raw material, here raw materials & apparatus were participants themselves. That means it is probably one of the least understood/misconstrued objects in the universe – “Human Mind/Emotions” the space where we lack depth. We were going to deal with feelings & its sensations in body.         

Layered clothing (conditioning) of emotional patterns build up over a lifetime can only coagulate when we try to get rid of them, even if we try to ignore them or replace them with something beautiful. At the face of it seems that it must be accepted and allow them to be as is. Then one can be in “Here & Now”.

Through this blog, I am trying to defy rule of “7 plus or minus 2” & reconstruct my memory. Here & now I connect to Bryan Adams most famous album “Reckless “, Just trying to hit right string    

“I got my first real six-string; Bought it at the five-and-dime

Played it 'til my fingers bled; Was the summer of sixty-nineThose were the best days of my life” 

Process had simple yet very ardent grounded rules; which did defy my current practices & learning.

-         Use “I” Language

-         Being in “Here & Now”

-         Taking risk, Make yourself vulnerable

-         Expressing Feelings; feeling the same feelings

-         Have fun!!!

5day reflection experience that counterculture my own values/behavior/practices/belief; I espoused consequences of my past events, and my anticipation of future events, both forces in the “Here and Now”. We all have “Baggage” some have light some have heavy, it is a thought of as an accumulation of unfinished business or incomplete situations.

It was a Moment of truth for many of us including our process guards, as the data that was picked up was Here & now theme... My Journey & change agents that I collated.

  • Initial 2days It was quite a challenge for me to practice “Here & now”; some even challenged the competency of the team & Consultant. As a process, we adopted quoting incidences from past & connecting it to present.
  • For some of them it was an Amygdala Hijack with immediate and overwhelming emotional response that came out of proportion by certain stimuli within the cohort. One of the greatest self-realization was that I can’t experience life without feeling it, being vulnerable to someone whom you love is not weakness, its one’s strength. Vulnerability is womb that gives birth to change, creativity, innovation & love. A check between intent & impact, in case of GAP one need to check his/her behavior.
  • For some of them it acted as a therapy : Here & now is perhaps the most powerful yet simple tool in psychotherapy, it helped sharing the raw, honest thoughts and feelings about what's happening in the moment. 
  • We had question with expression: What is happening to/with you? which means what process is changing you at this moment?
  • Stay there with the thought, let see what it has to offer : It always offer a different paradigm & perspective. It evolves with different variables. It proved that my truth may not be somebody’s else truth.
  • No Navel gazing: How to keep a check on narrative navel-gazing, or how to recognize a metafiction when you see one. Talk straight by taking name when he or she is present there. How do you communicate with clarity & value? Straight & right there.
  • One can’t be playing @ cognitive level, when there is an emotional appeal: As the outcome of process, very strong learning came out experimenting that " Emotions should not be argued on the same level/spot". Body & emotions are ardently linked, shift chemistry to shift emotions.
  • In learning condition, we need to be vulnerable & remember that you are always @ risk when you are taking a risk. Message was clear that with technical knowledge you will never win noble prize. Learning is the only source of psychological security, keep reflecting.
  • The hypertext of process was clearly laid on trust & clear boundaries, Which I touched it twice. Wisdom & rules were challenged, choice of words was tested but messengers too were fired. At the end, we all are humans even in controlled situation.The lesson of here and now, is to show up, be present and act in the now without judging yourself or others

This lab was quite intense at serene place with best souls; who helped me hold, process & diagnose my own shit. I felt so shitty about knowing what I have done with self. My learning partners have a massive task on hand. As a process you need to give good time to settle your emotions & your way of being you; as it has gone through self-realization of need to transform. I will allow this mystic aroma of HIL to touch my innermost being.

But one thing was very clear that diagnosis is dance. 

Wishing best of Learning & happy new year in 2018.

pradeep kumar Sahoo.

BTech in mechanical engineering. project management. construction management. site management job. oil&gas, Refinery pro

6 年

Sir Myself BTech in mechanical engineering having 24yrs experience in oil & gas, steel sectors,also in chemical Fertilisers & aluminium refinery project . Kindly give your mail id I will send my CV you Thanks Pradeep Kumar Sahoo Mobile no 7043349569

Mahesh Phadke

Talent Management I Learning Initiatives I Organization Development | Human Resources I TISS

6 年

Summarized aptly

Suruchi Kapoor

Senior Product Manager

6 年

Well captured


Science=character/use skill (?)



