Here Is Information That Will Take Your Mind to The Next Level of Peace and Tranquility
Kenneth Golden
Author / Researcher /Artificial Intelligence/Discovering Reciprocity Newsletter
As we watch TV, follow social media, and assimilate information that is both true and untrue on a daily basis; Something happens to our normal cognitive reasoning processes.
There are some simple things that we can do in order to get back on the track that "Our Creator" meant for us to be on.
The average person needs to fall asleep in "God's Word" to be completely rejuvenated.
Here Are Some Simple Pointers to Accomplish This!
First - Choose Comfortable Scriptures:
Select passages that bring peace and comfort. Psalms, for instance, are often soothing and reassuring.
Second - Establish a Routine:
Set aside time each night to read and reflect on scripture before bed. Consistency can help make this a habit.
Third - Pray Before Bed:
Begin your bedtime routine with prayer, inviting God's presence and guidance as you engage with His Word.
Fourth - Reflect on the Day:
Consider how the day unfolded, acknowledging blessings and challenges. Seek guidance or solace in scripture for any concerns or worries.
Fifth- Limit Screen Time:
Minimize exposure to electronic devices before bed, as the blue light emitted can disrupt sleep patterns. Go for a physical Bible or a device with a warm light filter.
Sixth - Create a Peaceful Environment:
Dim the lights, play soft music, or use essential oils to create a calming atmosphere conducive to relaxation and reflection.
Seventh - Practice Lectio Divina:
This ancient Christian practice involves reading scripture slowly, meditatively, and repeatedly, allowing the words to sink deeply into your soul.
Eighth - Keep a Journal:
Write down any insights, prayers, or reflections that come to mind as you engage with scripture. This can deepen your connection to the Word and provide a record of your spiritual journey.
Nineth - Use Audio Bibles or Devotionals:
Listen to recorded scripture readings or devotionals as you wind down for bed. Hearing God's Word spoken aloud can be especially comforting.
Tenth - End with Gratitude:
Conclude your time with scripture by expressing gratitude for the day's blessings and committing your concerns to God's care.
By integrating these practices into your bedtime routine, you can cultivate a deeper connection with God's Word and experience spiritual rejuvenation as you drift off to sleep.
Guided Sleep Meditation for Inner Peace and a Calm Mind.