Here in the Desolate Place
Where will anyone be able to find enough to satisfy these men with bread here in the desolate place?”?Mark 8:4
I returned from my unexpected and unbudgeted trip to California on Sunday. My neighbors had taken care of the necessary odds and ends (deliveries and garden), and all was quiet on the home front. Prayers of the Saints certainly carried me through and are greatly appreciated.
This cold winter morning, I’m reading one of my favorite passages in the Word. It’s found in the first part of Mark Chapter 8. It recounts the feeding of 4,000 who had been listening to the Master for three days.
The passage is familiar to many, and it always makes for a good Bible story in Sunday School. Miracles are fantastic and fill a child’s heart with wonder at what God can do!
But what’s seldom communicated in that Sunday morning setting is the people had been with Jesus THREE DAYS without anything to eat. They were in the “right place at the right time” and yet they were famished.
A mass of human suffering, needy and hungry enough to elicit the compassion of Christ.
“I feel compassion for the multitude because they have remained with Me now for three days and have nothing to eat.”?Mark 8:2
My daughter doesn’t have “live” TV, which meant a few days reprieve from the 24/7 news cycle that is wearing at best and debilitating at worst. When I finally “tuned back in” to witness what the news is calling the “greatest exodus of humanity since WWII,” I was horrified!
I offered the same inquiry to the King as His disciples did over 2000 years ago,
“What are YOU going to do about THIS?”
Have you felt lately like you’re doing the “right, good and honorable” things – praying, Bible study, church going, and things aren’t changing? I know I have. We’re now approaching the two-year anniversary of the global pandemic, wars and rumors of war, not to mention unprecedented weather events, it is overwhelming.
At times it just breaks me - and I feel as though I’m broken in more places than can possibly be mended.
While the King could have had “manna” or Big Mac’s coming down from heaven since Day One - He didn’t. Instead, He asked His disciples what THEY had to offer.
“…He was asking them, “How many loaves do you have?” And they said, “Seven.”
How are WE, going to meet the pressing need of:
Poland absorbing refugees
Frontline healthcare workers
School children
Those suffering from mental health issues
Rising fuel prices
Uncertain economics
The REAL suffering, we experience and encounter?!
Doesn’t He care?
Each day, I believe He asks us to “assess” and respond intentionally. He uses “people” to meet the needs of people.
I’ve been at distribution points of “goods,” where thousands appear and there is NO WAY there is enough to go around. I’ve witnessed fights break out in the crowd over empty cardboard containers
(when supplies ran out). I’ve seen children trampled for silly trinkets, yet…
to an anxious and impoverished mass, He said, “Sit down.”
He took the very little that was gathered to meet the need and offered a blessing. And then
I know the verse refers to the loaves and fish, but in light of the perspective then and now – perhaps those closest to Him were broken a bit as well.
How does that happen? Why does that happen?
I don’t know what you have or need. I’m not even sure what I truly “need.” But I offer this encouragement from the Word I have known as faithful and true:
Be still
Be thankful
I am reassured daily He cares, He KNOWS, and this (pick one or more of the above) is serving His good plans and purpose.
“But FROM THERE?you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and soul. When you are in distress and?ALL THESE THINGS HAVE COME UPON YOU, in the latter days, you will return to the Lord your God and listen to His voice. For the Lord your God is a compassionate God;?HE WILL NOT FAIL YOU?nor destroy you nor forget the covenant with your fathers which He swore to them.”?Deuteronomy 4:29-31
There is plenty to go around, with Him there are always “leftovers.”
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