Here Are 9 Shortcuts to Mastery In Anything! Part 3
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Here Are 9 Shortcuts to Mastery In Anything! Part 3

We’re back! To be transparent, I’ve been working in one of the shortcuts…it happens and it’s all good!

Last time we covered the first 4 of 9 Key Shortcuts for success. If you recalled they are Desire, Decision and Commitment, Formulation (Clarity), and Concentration (taking Action to Form Habits). And remember these MUST done in order. So, let’s continue…

We’re off to See the Wizard

In the great movie The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy had a goal to get back to Kansas. In order to make that happen she had to meet the Great Wizard. She then asked the good witch … “how do I find him?” She said … “you must start at the beginning and follow “The Yellow Brick Road.”

Although Dorothy was in a strange place, scared and worried…she had one goal … Get Back to Kansas!

I think all of us are a bit scared and uncertain when starting something new, we set goals and we must begin to take the actions to achieve them. I share these 9 Shortcuts because they are essential on your journey in the achievement of your dreams.

 When you follow them, they will give you more personal confidence and predictability in all that you do. They’ll help you to handle the setbacks you’ll encounter on your journey and you may even get to where you want to go faster because you’re now more focused and intentional in your actions. 

Have the faith and belief that even if you get derailed on your journey, stick with it, get back on the tracks and you’ll get to wherever you’re going!

 Buy-In and Running Your Own Race

When I first learned about the 9 Shortcuts, as I noted in my first article on this subject, I was in the pit of failure in my real estate business and I was ready to quit. I learned that there were two things I needed to have in order to make these shortcuts work and get me back on my desired path. 

First, I had to have buy-in and a high level of trust that the 9 steps would work.  When I bought in to this simple reality… it became clear that to have the success I wanted in my business, I need to understand this: That any success is based on a series of events that must occur in a specific order… in order to achieve a specific outcome or result!

Second, I had to run my own race. Competing is one thing but comparing is another. Often, we want to be like someone else or what others think we should be. We’re taught about modeling others but what some of the gurus forget to tell us or clearly explain is that you are modeling ‘characteristics’ of the successful not the person. Sure, if all of the characteristics line up…that’s good…but often that’s not the case. 

As a coach, I want you to be the very best at what you do because I believe all of you have great potential. I and others can do it, so can you. However, it’s your race…not mine or anyone else’s!

A final point. People often ask me …” how long will this take to work?” My question back to them is … ‘how fast do you want it?’

If you need a fast result, you’ll do double duty on the 9 Shortcuts.  The key is to begin, ‘follow’ the steps and please, don’t think you can skip one step to get somewhere faster it won’t work. All of us, including the masters must crawl before walking! Sorry, no silver bullet answer. ?

Granted you may further ahead than someone else but remember this…even when you get to Mastery…there is going to be someone ahead of you. That’s life! Simply pace yourself according to your own desires. Make sense?

Remember, these shortcuts are the ‘paint by numbers’ of your business. In the end, when you begin, follow the Yellow Brick Road and stay with it… and you’ll have painted a beautiful canvas! 

So, let’s tap those heals, and get back to Kansas!

5.   Momentum

(This stage can take you anywhere from 2-6 years before moving on to the next. It depends on how bad you want it to make it shorter. And to really be successful should be continuous throughout your career)

This is the phase where you’ve learned a few tricks allowing you to be more efficient and more effective...

  • You finally start to see some results
  • The following phase begin to inspire you, Stabilization

Watch out for the “Momentum KILLERS” – A MUST... to watch out for!

  • You have no system, or you lack structure
  • Ego (Damn I’m good! Check me out now!)
  • You huddle around the ONLY deal you have failing to keep the pipelines full
  • Momentum killers can take you back a phase as they slow down your growth

This shortcut requires that you don’t get cocky and keep the flow with #4 to keep the momentum going…are we clear?

6.  Stabilization

(You can end up spending many years in this stage … or the next stage will just happen “all of a sudden)

  • You finally have systems in place that allow you to become automated
  • You have a stronger structure with statistics and predictable numbers
  • Consistency* is key
  • Organization and constant planning are required
  • Empowering others to manage your systems (delegation)
  • Big results happen in this phase
  • Boredom and complacency set in. You find yourself not caring as much as you use to when you are looking to generate new business

*Don’t change things that are working

*Don’t experiment unless there is a reliable system in place.

*Instead, ADD NEW THINGS, Tweak

This shortcut requires us to understand that Stabilization is a powerful place. Will you stay on your path and not get bored or complacent so easily?

7. Breakthrough

(After a breakthrough, you will go back into stabilization mode…. this will happen repeatedly for many years)

  • Sudden or unpredictable bursts of results
  • Everything begins to speed up like never before
  • You must stay calm and simply deal with the power and velocity
  • Keep learning and growing
  • Your communication skills become one of your most vital tools (staff, customers, affiliates)
  • You must be certain everything around you is supported and organized – Outsource to the folks who are better than you on things you’re not good at and check-in with them
  • Your breakdowns will become opportunities for you to go through breakthroughs

This shortcut requires that after you have your Breakthroughs, you must go back into stabilization. Not so boring… just do it! This is #7, my friend!!

8. Mastery - You've Arrived!

(Nearly impossible? Maybe not. The reality is only a handful or a small percentage of people reach this phase… you can refer to the 10,000 hours rule by Malcolm Gladwell as a reference to how often someone really achieves this level)

  • Unconscious Competence
  • Excellence is achieved
  • Do nothing and have everything occur
  • Everything delegated
  • The business has a life of its own
  • Everything is done by people who are better than you
  • You'll say it was worth it!

The 9th Phase?

Rinse and Repeat steps 1-9 consistently in ALL you do!

This shortcut requires that you, the Master can decide to do what you want when you want…because you can! What do you want to do?

Now, you can take these 9 Phases and apply them to any areas in your business and life. Use them on projects, hiring, lead generation, presentations and on and on.

But wait…there’s just 2 more thoughts that you must keep in mind otherwise you’ll be mad at me for not sharing ??

See you next time …

Best, Mike


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