Here are 7 things Arizona Learned from Fighting SB 1070 That We Can Use to fight Trump-like candidates and SB1070-like bills.
Iconico's roots and organizing lineage extend more than a decade back with the fight for immigrant rights. It is a shared plight with some of our partners and a core reason why we believe that the communities most impacted by social inequities hold the power to right the wrongs in the world.?
From our experience of organizing and living in Arizona, often referred to as a testing ground for anti-immigrant laws, we've learned that despite the overwhelming emotions of fear, confusion, and rage, it's essential to come together and channel these feelings into actionable change.?
The recent Florida anti-immigrant bill isn't a new fight; our communities have lived through similar bills locally and nationally when Trump took office and throughout his presidency.?
Florida, we stand in solidarity with you!?