Here are 6 key reasons why you should get your business online in 2016
- The World is your Oyster : When you get your business online, you’re no longer limited to your neighborhood or your city as far as customers are concerned. You can truly go global! This was and always will be one of the greatest reasons to get online.
- It’s Easy :Building a website has been associated with enigma and confusion. A lay person will have no understanding of the technicality. Times have definitely changed and setting up a website is a cake-walk now. You can make use of a Do-it-Yourself (DIY) website builder tool which is as easy as dragging and dropping components & widgets onto a page. Now, what’s your excuse?
- Your Customers are Already Online : No matter what you’re selling, your customers are already online. Don’t you think it's high time you go meet them? 5 years ago, buying furniture online would’ve been a laughable joke. Today, it’s a reality. Companies like UrbanLadder, Pepperfry and Fabfurnish have become successful businesses with immense funding being pumped in.
- Internet in India is Growing : Internet penetration in India is still under 20% only. Now factor the $20 billion eCommerce revenue being generated and you’ll see the immense potential there exists. There are plenty of customers for everyone to enjoy. The only failure is not joining in the opportunity.
- Investors Love India : India has seen more startups in the last 5 years than ever before. Look at all the new age CEOs of Ola, Oyo, Hola chef, Zivame, they’re all under 30 and started with only an idea and faith in the promise of the web. You can walk among these giants by getting more visibility and accessibility for your business via your website.
- Not Only for Business : Sure we’ve only looked at the business angle of things but there’s so much more to the web. There are writers, story tellers, singers, you name it. Imagine AIB without Youtube or Amit Agarwal without his blog. None of these amazing folks would’ve been able to do what they do and make it big without getting online.