Here are 5 questions to set your feel-good goal for Q4 ??
I hope you had a good September and are settling into the new season. How are you getting on, have you had time to set your Q4 goals yet?
If you haven't yet, pull up a seat!
To help you get clarity, focus and direction for Q4 and beyond, AND to save you time and energy, today let's focus on attracting your ideal clients to help you achieve your goals.
Starting by generating some good feelings, and then we can get specific! Being in the right frame of mind will help set feel-good goals, not toxic goals!
Open a new note on your phone or grab your journal and explore these 5 questions with me to set your feel-good goal for Q4:
First, write down a client's name you really enjoyed working with in Q3 or this year.
Now remember where you were, what you saw, hear their voice again, and how it made you feel when working with them.
Write down your answers for:
⒈ How did you help this client achieve their goals? Write it down.
2. What was the situation they were in when they first met you? A very important element to remember so you can spot other clients in the same situation.
3. What element in the process or the final product were you most proud of?
4. What wonderful words did your client say to you about your services?
I bet you're feeling happy right now as you remember this good experience.
Feels good to remind yourself of your achievements doesn't it?
You can always read your Testimonials to give yourself a boost in the mornings to set yourself up for the day. Or call me!
5. Who has told you recently they're in the same situation? Who do you know who wants to achieve the same goals as your favourite clients?
Reflect on the networking meetings you've attended, and notice who springs to mind who you could help achieve their goals, and look out for more of these ideal clients in the future!
Action Step: Write down how many ideal clients you want to work with in Q4 and have this as your feel-good goal. Have this number visible in your office or on your phone.
Set your intention, and the magic happens! ??
Top Tip: When you're networking, share your answers above, so others can hear how you've helped your clients, and tell them what you're proud of, so they see your enthusiasm and passion. ??
All helping you to reach your Q4 goals.
Get in touch if you'd find it helpful to talk through this in more detail with me.
+351 961 640 833 / +447968 016585
I'm here to help and support you achieve your goals and bring your dreams to life. ??
Talking of achieving your dreams, and making more money from your talents and skills, The AmberLife Business Retreat is happening next month to give you a beautiful space and time to work ON your business for a bright future.
Have you got lots of ideas swirling around in your head and you'd like to make decisions on what to focus on for 2025?
Do you need to revive your passion for your business and get your mojo back?
Are you looking to make more money from your talents and skills?
I hear you! That's what you can achieve, and more on the AmberLife Retreats.
Have a look here, we'll be making plans from your ideas, and I'll be sharing how you can make more money from your talents and skills, while finding more time in your schedule for you. Imagine how good that will feel.
Please get in touch now to ask me any questions and to reserve your space as we need to confirm arrangements with the hotel by October 21st.
If you're living in the Algarve, you can join us each day if you prefer not to stay in the hotel, no problem.
Email me [email protected]
or WhatsApp me on +351 961 640 833 or +447968 016585 and we can have a chat.
Talk soon, and have a great month ahead.
To your success and happiness,
Jo James xx
Your Business Coach, propelling your business to the next level.