Here are 5 ingredients for a perfect petascale NAS Backup Solution ??

Here are 5 ingredients for a perfect petascale NAS Backup Solution ??

"What's the best way to back up my petabyte NAS?"

The 5 ingredients for a perfect petascale NAS backup solution:

  1. Leverage snapshots to rapidly list all changed files and?stop long and painful scans of the entire file system?which can last for days, making it impossible to run daily incremental or weekly full backups.?Atempo rapidly builds lists of new, changed and deleted files.
  2. Optimize scanning time and?start actual data movement early on. Why waste time not moving data even if the scan is still in progress.?
  3. Atempo's Miria for Backup solution starts actual data movement early and balances the files and load intelligently between multiple nodes. This way, having billions of small files or some very large files is never a show stopper.?
  4. Parallelize?data movement?across multiple nodes on the NAS filer. Ideally, the solution will offer control over which node to use and the period the backup. In this way, production is not impacted.?
  5. Provide faster restore than with traditional NDMP technology and not be limited to tape-only backups. Open full access to object storage and cloud targets. Our?Snapstor technology?lets you use the backup storage for production until your primary is restored.

Faultlessly manage the?protection of millions or even billions of small files?and also the backup of very large files >500 GB by multi-threading file batches and optimizing I/Os on the NAS.

It's important to be able to combine all the above to manage?fast backup solutions that deliver efficient data protection.

Atempo's?Miria for Backup?lets you set the number of file/object versions you want to protect. Based on the concept of any?storage to any storage, Miria for Backup protects objects from any filesystem (NFS, SMB, GPFS...) to any disk, tape, object and cloud destination?(including AWS, Azure, Google, S3).

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