Here are 3 reasons why writing and launching a book to Best Seller shouldn’t feel hard or overwhelming

Here are 3 reasons why writing and launching a book to Best Seller shouldn’t feel hard or overwhelming

??But before I dive into that, know that to launch a book...


You don’t need to take months to build a big list all on your own


You don’t need to plan virtual or in-person book tours or signings


You don’t need to spend months and months doing pre-sales


You don’t need an agent or a major publisher - or a book video trailer


You don’t need need to invest heavily in airing on radio or TV at 4 am on Sunday mornings


You don’t need a website ??


You don’t even have to be comfortable writing!


1. Principle #1 ??


Going from “I have a book inside me” to “published best-selling author” you only need to understand the following:


- Write a strategic book FIRST, one that builds relationships, doesn’t give away EVERYTHING you know and teach, and one that brings prospects into your world of solutions and value for them. You can always write your full cathartic story-sharing book next… :)


- Simple frameworks are effective... so follow one, within and across chapters.  Just as best selling mysteries or romance novels - even zombie apocalypse stories - follow formulas, your non-fiction business book will follow one, too, because they’re effective and remove overwhelm.


- Simplify the process. (I’m speaking to me!) Don’t overthink. Don’t overanalyze. Definitely don’t edit as you go. You can even create your framework as a series of questions, record the answers, transcribe, and go from there. If you don’t like writing, don’t let that stop you!


- Chunk it down. An average double-spaced page is 250 words. You can write or speak 250 words quickly and easily when you have a clear focus and a formula to follow. (You can even leverage already-created content from podcasts and summits.) Each chapter should address one question/topic broken down into 4 components - that’s just 5 pages per section. You’ve got this!


2. Principle #2 ??


Your book is not the money-maker, but it will make you money! 


Unless you’re writing about zombies you’re not likely to make a fortune simply from the sale of books. You may sell tens of thousands but books sales alone won’t produce instant revenue gratification. Write a book anyway because...


Your book DOES build your Brand, raise your Visibility, and increase your status and credibility. Simply, it makes you stand out in a crowd and above the noise.  When written with strategic intent, it serves your audience and is an evergreen lead gen source for qualified prospects. ??


Your book is the front door that welcomes people to your world and gives them a luxurious experience when they transition from being your prospect to being your client.


For example when I work with clients, I provide a 90-day timeline to allow for - 


- Content Production that includes multiple easy access points to your solutions

- Logistics to turn that content into assets - Digital, Print, Audiobook

- The Fun & Pain-free Launch Process

- The Leverage Roadmap - for additional press, speaking engagements, podcast and summit guest invites, PR, increased IG exposure, and more


That way creating this game-changing brand builder does not have to distract you from your core strengths or your primary focus on your business while getting it done ASAP! 


As a published best-selling author you are now able to grow your audience reach and influence, charge premium prices to grow your revenue, and experience the snowball effect that increased visibility and attention will bring to you by networking with bigger brands and influencers. 


Summarizing this principle: ??


6- & 7-figure entrepreneurs become #1 in their market, have more impact, and make a life-long return on investment for their business by becoming published best-selling authors. ?


3. Principle #3??


Launching & Leveraging Your Book. ?


You have a story worth sharing. Your expertise allows you to solve specific problems. Your experience has taught you how to alleviate pain points. You want to make a difference. You are on a mission. You’ve started a movement.


I love story. It is a truism to repeat that story is the most powerful form of human connection, whether it’s in written or audio form.


I recognize while every entrepreneur has a journey, not every entrepreneur loves to write or feels good at it. And not every entrepreneur has the big list or knows what exactly to do to launch that story - nor should they have to put their regular business on pause to get this done.


Remember that there is opportunity cost with everything - if you go slow and take years to get your book done, the market (and you) may have moved on to other things. 


Know that the most important thing you can do for your business brand is to become a published best-selling author soon - especially if you want to be a speaker and featured guest on a variety of platforms.


Just because a book is a long revenue play does not mean it should take long, or be difficult, to get it done well and relatively quickly.


If you’ve received value or insight from this, drop me some ???? - thank you! ??


Crush your week, ??




??Jamie Wolf, MBA ??的更多文章

