Here are the 10 Shifts that can Transform organisations and position them for competitive advantage in 2023
Maria Grazia Testa
Business Sustainability, Innovation, and Systems Thinking for the Transition, Transformation, and Scale Up of Organisations driving a positive Societal, Environmental and Economical Impact. TEDx Speaker.
McKinsey shares the 10 Things Organisations must do in 2023 to be future proof: we aren't surprised that it is perfectly in line with the advise of UN and EC, in stressing the centrality of 3 core themes:
Here are the 10 Shifts that can Transform organisations and position them for competitive advantage in 2023.
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Accelerating complexity requires accelerating our capacity to respond to shocks, fail fast and learn fast, be less rooted in identities, and more versed in change and possibilities. Creativity comes first: make sure your organisation can rely on strong trust bonds, communication skills, and an open learning mindset to make everyone feel comfortable and active in co-creating processes. The IDGs have been called the biggest accelerator towards achieving the SDGs, learn why in this eye opening European Commission resolution.
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Yes, the only way for AI to be an opportunity for all of us is to start as soon as possible adopting it to drive positive change. Pioneering SMEs as well as large corporates are already showing us how effectively we can come to useful results having a constructive relationship with the AI tools already available to us. And it comes with a vital bonus: the more we use it for good, the more we "infect it" with good - to achieve this, makes sure you give your AI "virtuous" exercises. Discover the 3 things that AI can already do for your business.
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Smart organisations understand that diversity is not a duty but a learning, growth mindset. All realms of nature show us that diversity is at the root of innovation, progress and evolution. Learn more, explore more perspectives, multiply the observations and creativity points, be capillary in your insight. In short: multiply your intelligence by diversifying your people pool and learn to be at ease with, and trust, differences and even conflicts. The financial world confirms: diverse organisations outperform financially the competition.
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If you do not want to end up with huge turn over costs, long recruiting lead times, extended sick leave bills, applicants from the bottom of the talent pool, and continuously bleeding the very true substance of your competitive advantage and know-how, please give people interesting jobs, in companies that make sense, and that are honestly producing something useful, by engaging and nurturing the best that people have to offer. Read more about the impact of connecting work to a higher meaning.
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Ditto. Create the conditions for wellbeing: a productivity based on hyper specialisation of functions and roles, lack of growth and change opportunities, as well as a culture where there's never time but everything needs to happen on time, will erase all benefits you hoped for when recruiting great talent. And this applies to the leadership teams too: workaholics are nice only when they are happy and make others happy too.
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Nobody is here to do everything, but make sure your organisation is good at doing the one thing, and that it does so with passion and balance. Delivery, resources allocation and distribution are often forgotten arts, in the hype of impact and a continuous effort to renovate a brand by chasing every lead and every novelty. Stay focussed. Show perseverance. Be loyal. Less is More.
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Fear and control based management have to deal with cultural and environmental changes. If you are scared of what happened during COVID, you will be terrified of what climate change will bring. Your people know it, and they already moved somewhere else or stopped commuting, overcrowding roads and heavily airconditioned and lightened offices. What are you going to do? Trust is the keyword, and good, really good, communication and collaboration platforms. Keep the rooms for the creative efforts - we need places where we can play and learn together. 11 ways to create a successful hybrid workplace.
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In a world obsessed with "digital" propositions, only 5% of companies tell us they have the real capabilities to deliver them. Data driven and evidence based decision making stimulates reflective practices, and the courage to innovate developing sustainable and impactful business models. Human capabilities need to be aligned, open to learn and abandon believes, and to foster the same within the organisation and for clients alike. Financial resources can be invested in what we know will have value in 20 years from now.
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Gone is the world of the "good fellow", who's hired for his superb ability to keep everyone (or maybe just the right ones) within their comfort zone, and who tends to look a lot like the people who hired him. We need real talent, competencies, hard proven skills, and we need to give this talent difficult challenges to chew, exactly as those environment, society and good governance are posing on us today. "In many organizations, between 20 and 30 percent of critical roles aren’t filled by the most appropriate people while the highest performers in a role are 800% more productive than average performers in the same role" (McKinsey, 2023). Challenge your talent, make it grow, praise vision, generosity, diligence, benevolence. Think of performance differently, in a way that can make hearts beat harder.
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Raise the bar of the humans we call upon to "lead" others, to achieve all-round organisation, where life and work dignify each other. Broader personalities are capable of aspiring to something greater, while not leaving anyone behind; they are reflective, and can expand easily the field and scope of their reflection; they are system thinkers, who can include themselves and their own mindset in the system changes they contemplate. To find, train and promote capable leadership, learn from UNESCO what are the cross-cutting skills to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Want to start transitioning your People and Culture, Leadership, Operating Processes in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the ESG reporting challenge and the need to accelerate change and innovation while improving the health of people and the planet? Or you just like what you read and want to know more? Reach out today.
Thanks Maria Grazia Testa for sharing this excellent article. Another McKinsey gem speaks to the new leadership required - moving from an era of individual leaders to an era of networked leadership teams that steer the organization toward sustainable, inclusive growth. See the link below:
Sognatrice lucida
1 年Thank you Maria Grazia Testa. I totally agree on the necessity and urgency of developing inner qualities #idg in order to deep our awareness about our mental models and the inner place from which we relate, collaborate and act (#TheoryU).
1 年For more on McKinsey validation, a McKinsey classic demonstrating that more creative companies are more profitable.
Learning & Development
1 年Thank you Maria Grazia Testa for sharing this McKinsey article here: this is exactly the same article I was reading yesterday and thinking how there are really good points here ?? And the must-do's you can achieve by how-to's. You can no longer do things the old way: you really need more creativity, openness and honest benevolence ??