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This is an incredible story. Or rather a non-credit-able one taken form the annals of 1st Eagle Mortgage success stories. Herb Levin, owner of 1st Eagle Mortgage recently shared the fact that someone called requesting a loan and when Herb investigated his credit history, he noted a surprise. Explained Herb, “Our client didn’t have a high score, or a low score—he had no score at all! That was an unusual occurence even for someone with 20 years of experience in this business.”

If you have no score, how could you ever expect to secure a loan from (always) insecure lenders?

 Herb explained that “no score” is not a score of zero. “No one has a credit score of Zero. No score simply means you haven't had any recent credit activity that the credit bureaus can use to generate a credit score.  The FICO scoring model ranges between 300 and 850, so everyone starts out with 300 as a baseline.”

 Herb continued: “At this point at 1st Eagle Mortgage, we would normally offer to help boost the score with a proven plan we’ve implemented many times before to get your score higher. It works and we’ve been able to help many people seeking loans. BUT it does take a couple of months and in this instance the closing date was too close for that to work.  

“So, we had to work harder and, fortunately, we did it! We found a lender for our client that accepted his score of no score. This a benefit and edge that 1st Eagle Mortgage offers with 22 lenders on board ready to present competitive rates and financial assistance.

I can happily report that our client is joyfully ensconced in his new home and ultimately, that’s all that matters.”

Good Credit, Bad credit, No credit? Give us s chance to present credible lenders who have loan opportunities for you. Call (847) 441-4116. Or email: [email protected] Plus, check out our website www.1steaglemortgage.com for money-saving opportunities.



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