How AI will disrupt our way of Life - Heralding the Intelligence Age
From the dawn of mankind, technology’s singular purpose has been to aid us and improve the quality of our life. Technology has always been with us in one form or another evolving with us and our needs.
We are stepping into a new age, slowly but surely from the information age into the intelligence age. We haven’t come to terms with what would mean for us to live in the intelligence age. The ramifications of this are so vast, we are under prepared.
It has taken us a considerable amount of time to evolve from primitive stone tools to where we are today.
If you notice the timeline, technological evolution has followed an exponential curve.
I have tried to take a look at the evolution of technology relying on common sense, logic, and principles, looking into the past might not be a good thing to predict the future, but we can form our own opinions.
Processing Power
The amount of processing power has been in correlation to Moore’s Law and has always seen an exponential increase.
To understand the impact of Moore’s law, consider :
The same computing power in a single rack and it consumes 98% less power and 99.93% less space compared to IBM RoadRunner [1].
The fastest supercomputer in the world as of June 2017 is the Sunway TaihuLight at 96 Petaflops. AMD Project 47 has the processing power of 1 Petaflop in a single rack.
The most processing power currently on a single chip is Nvidia Tesla V100 [4].
Internet traffic is 1–2 Zettabyte today [5].
Intel currently has a 1PB storage SSD [6]. Work is ongoing to store a petabyte of storage on a DVD [7]. The maximum storage capacity to date (magnetic tape) is 330 TB with future progress estimated to hold 10 PB (Petabytes) by 2027, IBM Research [8].
There is a caveat though, for both memory and processing power, we are approaching the limit of conventional physics.
World Population
The world population today is 7.5 billion, in 2037–9 billion and in 2100–11.5 billion, a 150% increase from today’s population (assuming the median in the below projection).
Internet Population
Internet adoption rate [9]
Looking at past internet adoption rates over the years, we can be safe to assume that entirety of humanity would be connected by 2030 to 2040 or earlier.
Human Needs
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, to realize one’s full potential we need our most fundamental needs to be met before being the best person that one can possibly be in service of both the self and others.
New Technologies
Technologies in existence today with far reaching implications
- Quantum Computing
- Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
- Robotic Automation
- IoT (nascent, no standardization currently)
- Autonomous Vehicles (Cars/Trucks)
- Bitcoin
Quantum Computing is already a reality.
“All the academic and corporate quantum researchers I spoke with agreed that somewhere between 30 and 100 qubits — particularly qubits stable enough to perform a wide range of computations for longer durations — is where quantum computers start to have commercial value. And as soon as two to five years from now, such systems are likely to be for sale. Eventually, expect 100,000-qubit systems, which will disrupt the materials, chemistry, and drug industries by making accurate molecular-scale models possible for the discovery of new materials and drugs. And a million-physical-qubit system, whose general computing applications are still difficult to even fathom? It’s conceivable, says Neven, “on the inside of 10 years.” “ - Russ Juskalian, MIT Technology Review [10]
Advances in Quantum computing might help ensure Moore’s law beyond semiconductor based processors.
Universal Basic Income
If you look at Maslow’s chart, for most of humanity, physiological needs are met when safety needs are met, a stable source of income is needed to climb the Maslow’s needs pyramid.
Automation would affect 1.2 billion jobs in the future.
Governments and policy makers
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, whose company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns the insurance giant Geico, told CNBC in a February interview: “If the day comes when a significant portion of the cars on the road are autonomous, it will hurt Geico’s business very significantly.” [11].
Along with cab drivers and truck drivers, the whole insurance industry would be revamped, in the sense that if humans don’t drive cars, who needs an insurance policy and it will lead to a significant reduction of jobs in the insurance industry.
But at the same time, a new industry will evolve with different business models to accommodate autonomous cars.
The challenges facing governments of the future are mind boggling and based on our current performance, we are very ill equipped to address these issues.
Utilitarian AI is already here, automatically replying emails, chat bots etc.,(The Turing Test [12] hasn’t been solved till now), playing music based on mood and sentiment or emotion. This article was grammar checked using Grammarly.
Definition: “The technological singularity is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial super-intelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.”
Considering past advancements in technology has brought us this far, I would like to augur the bet that singularity is feasible, since the technologies we will be dealing with will be vastly different in 20–30 years from now and due to the exponential rate at which we can grow and also that by that time we would be adequately prepared since the changes required would already be in place (hopefully).
According to Ray Kurzweil’s prediction, in 2030’s we must be able to upload our mind consciousness. The other logical assumption is that we should be able to download as well which opens interesting possibilities, this really might be education in the future:
Even if you eliminate the singularity and consciousness, the other socioeconomic factors of Artificial Intelligence remain. The issues that we face today pale in comparison to the possibilities of the future.
What fundamentally makes us human? — In the past, we might merely dismiss as a rhetorical question or a philosophical one.
Considering that the era of artificial intelligence will redefine our world and our relationships to fellow human beings or the nature of relationships itself.
Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics
- A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
- A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.[1]
The fourth or zeroth law: A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
New Rules for a New World
With AI, the rules, laws, and regulations that we need to come up with are completely new and different with wide social implications, assume for a second that the singularity is really possible, what happens to our notion of religion, God and our beliefs and faith but the upside is this it won’t happen in a few years but over 10’s of years with waves of technological evolution over those years to grapple with.
There are no limits to human ingenuity, AI without good principles and a solid foundation is akin to a knife in a child’s hand.
The foundation to ensure that it doesn’t happen has been laid:
Asilomar AI Principles
Partnership On AI
Future of Life
Future of Humanity
Research Work (some abstracts):
Towards Moral Autonomous Systems
Vicky Charisi, Louise Dennis, Michael Fisher, Robert Lieck, Andreas Matthias, Marija Slavkovik, Janina Sombetzki, Alan F. T. Winfield, Roman Yampolskiy
Both the ethics of autonomous systems and the problems of their technical implementation have by now been studied in some detail. Less attention has been given to the areas in which these two separate concerns meet. This paper, written by both philosophers and engineers of autonomous systems, addresses a number of issues in machine ethics that are located at precisely the intersection between ethics and engineering. We first discuss different approaches towards the conceptual design of autonomous systems and their implications on the ethics implementation in such systems. Then we examine problematic areas regarding the specification and verification of ethical behavior in autonomous systems, particularly with a view towards the requirements of future legislation. We discuss transparency and accountability issues that will be crucial for any future wide deployment of autonomous systems in society. Finally we consider the, often overlooked, possibility of intentional misuse of AI systems and the possible dangers arising out of deliberately unethical design, implementation, and use of autonomous robots.
An architecture for ethical robots
Dieter Vanderelst, Alan Winfield
Robots are becoming ever more autonomous. This expanding ability to take unsupervised decisions renders it imperative that mechanisms are in place to guarantee the safety of behaviours executed by the robot. Moreover, smart autonomous robots should be more than safe; they should also be explicitly ethical — able to both choose and justify actions that prevent harm. Indeed, as the cognitive, perceptual and motor capabilities of robots expand, they will be expected to have an improved capacity for making moral judgements. We present a control architecture that supplements existing robot controllers. This so-called Ethical Layer ensures robots behave according to a predetermined set of ethical rules by predicting the outcomes of possible actions and evaluating the predicted outcomes against those rules. To validate the proposed architecture, we implement it on a humanoid robot so that it behaves according to Asimov’s laws of robotics. In a series of four experiments, using a second humanoid robot as a proxy for the human, we demonstrate that the proposed Ethical Layer enables the robot to prevent the human from coming to harm.
The Dark Side of Ethical Robots
Dieter Vanderelst, Alan Winfield
Concerns over the risks associated with advances in Artificial Intelligence have prompted calls for greater efforts toward robust and beneficial AI, including machine ethics. Recently, roboticists have responded by initiating the development of so-called ethical robots. These robots would, ideally, evaluate the consequences of their actions and morally justify their choices. This emerging field promises to develop extensively over the next years. However, in this paper, we point out an inherent limitation of the emerging field of ethical robots. We show that building ethical robots also necessarily facilitates the construction of unethical robots. In three experiments, we show that it is remarkably easy to modify an ethical robot so that it behaves competitively, or even aggressively. The reason for this is that the specific AI, required to make an ethical robot, can always be exploited to make unethical robots. Hence, the development of ethical robots will not guarantee the responsible deployment of AI. While advocating for ethical robots, we conclude that preventing the misuse of robots is beyond the scope of engineering, and requires instead governance frameworks underpinned by legislation. Without this, the development of ethical robots will serve to increase the risks of robotic malpractice instead of diminishing it.
Unethical Research: How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence
Federico Pistono, Roman V. Yampolskiy
Cybersecurity research involves publishing papers about malicious exploits as much as publishing information on how to design tools to protect cyber-infrastructure. It is this information exchange between ethical hackers and security experts, which results in a well-balanced cyber-ecosystem. In the blooming domain of AI Safety Engineering, hundreds of papers have been published on different proposals geared at the creation of a safe machine, yet nothing, to our knowledge, has been published on how to design a malevolent machine. Availability of such information would be of great value particularly to computer scientists, mathematicians, and others who have an interest in AI safety, and who are attempting to avoid the spontaneous emergence or the deliberate creation of a dangerous AI, which can negatively affect human activities and in the worst case cause the complete obliteration of the human species. This paper provides some general guidelines for the creation of a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence (MAI).
When Will AI Exceed Human Performance? Evidence from AI Experts
Katja Grace, John Salvatier, Allan Dafoe, Baobao Zhang, Owain Evans
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) will transform modern life by reshaping transportation, health, science, finance, and the military. To adapt public policy, we need to better anticipate these advances. Here we report the results from a large survey of machine learning researchers on their beliefs about progress in AI. Researchers predict AI will outperform humans in many activities in the next ten years, such as translating languages (by 2024), writing high-school essays (by 2026), driving a truck (by 2027), working in retail (by 2031), writing a bestselling book (by 2049), and working as a surgeon (by 2053). Researchers believe there is a 50% chance of AI outperforming humans in all tasks in 45 years and of automating all human jobs in 120 years, with Asian respondents expecting these dates much sooner than North Americans. These results will inform discussion amongst researchers and policymakers about anticipating and managing trends in AI.
The upsides of AI
As humans, we would like to maximize the upsides of AI while minimizing the downsides, take autonomous cars for example, not only more than a million workers will be affected, the insurance industry will also be disrupted, but it can pave way for new business models and industries. The benefits of AI are vastly greater than the downsides and outweigh any negative connotations we might attach to AI. Improvements in healthcare alone would vastly improve our quality of life and of our near and dear ones. Increased life expectancy, lesser number of accidents (3287 deaths a day, 20–50 million injured or disabled) and the list goes on.
Interactive Poll
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All these changes are set to happen within our lifetime.
Exciting times ahead.
Bumpy ? Smooth ?
Utopia ? Dystopia ? or Myopia ?
Opinions and comments solicited...
创办人40 年大数据人工智能自动绳神经网络在中国及国际大型及国企金融银行供应链优化改革创新投资技术创新策略培训应用, 于货币预算经贸资本市场结构改革及再生能源生物科技供应链优化5G创新防范资产债务泡沫破灭病毒造成景气衰退危机
7 年Integrating human adaptive learning creative problems solving knowledge into AI, big data analytics ML to upgrade strategic decision making and disruptive technology breakthrough innovations.
Data and critical thinking drive competitive advantage
7 年This is a good piece Bala, thanks... Not sure how ethical robots can/will ever be, as there will always be a part of imperfect humans -- that may or may not be subtle -- in every algorithm written.
Senior Marketing Manager
7 年Mark Cryer
CTO | Entrepreneur | Start-up Advisor
7 年super interesting topic Bala, well done. I appreciated the background info you did research on as well.