Her Name Is
Licensed Professional Counselor
“i’m sending love and power to Asian and Pacific Islander womxn today.
her name is:
Delaina Ashley Yaun
Xiaojie Tan
Daoyou Feng
Julie Park Hyeon
Jeong Park
...and more unreleased names
there aren’t enough tears left in me and i’m tired of seeing his fucking face. so i made this image instead, inspired by the leadership of Asian sex worker activism around the world.
follow the leadership of grassroots Asian women. show solidarity by LISTENING, FUNDING and LEARNING from the activism of @redcanarysong , Butterfly Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Network (@ButterflyCSW) and Asian American and Pacific Islander intersectional feminists like @napawf_atl, @aapiwomenlead, Asian American Feminist Collective (@aafc.nyc).
Allies, acknowledge the pain of this moment to stop #aapihate. we need you to act now.
Challenge how the news is framing this story:
? notice the anti-Asian mysogynist rhetoric behind the coverage
? notice the whorephobia/de-humanization of sex workers.
? are they making space to center Asian womxn voices?
? how are they addressing historic violence against Asian womxn?
Uplift the power and agency of Asian massage parlor workers, Asian sex workers, poor Asian people, disabled Asian people, undocumented Asian people, LGBTQ Asians, migrant Asians.
and learn our history.”