Her life was a disaster
Sylvana Kozak
Life & Leadership Master Coach | Empowering Founders & Entrepreneurs to Achieve Work-Life Balance and Fulfillment
She said “I’m ready” so we arranged a call.
We talked for about an hour.
She wasn’t holding back.
Then she became very emotional.
She started to cry.
She had enough.
Not only she was courageous enough to share her pain, failures and fears with me, but most importantly she was ready to let it go so she can finally start living her life 100%.
…because until now she was always focused on others.
The problem was that her cup was empty for a long time and it became painful and draining to continue to give and give when her garden desperately needed to be watered.
It breaks my heart to see how many women are LIVING IN A CAGE of their own PAST and LIMITING BELIEFS while spending most of their time, focus and energy on pleasing or helping everyone around them.
There are moments when I feel sad and frustrated at the same time, as I’m realising that I’m not doing enough
to help them,
to support them,
or to hear them
and guide them so they can find themselves in those dark moments, in the pain and hardship that they experienced in the past.
Deep down, I’m confident that I can support them in discovering their light and power from within.
See, some time ago I was there too…
Lost, confused, ashamed, guilty of my failures and all the mistakes that I’ve made in the past.
I had everything I needed to succeed and create an amazing life, however, all I saw was my weaknesses, faults and fuckups.
I would take every single opportunity to talk about it, even to strangers, hoping that one day I will find the answer,
I will figure it all out
or someone will come and rescue me.
Unfortunately, it takes much longer (or it will never happen) when you wait and hope.
So by taking imperfect action, I got out of my cage.
The problem is, when you feel low, lost, overwhelmed and weak, taking action is the last thing that you want to do.
How do I know this?
Because that was me not long ago… but I took a leap and now I’m helping others to do the same.
For the past 5 years, I’ve been coaching women from the United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Czech, Slovakia, Russia, India, Germany, Spain, Romania, Latvia, Brazil, Columbia, Italy, China, Poland, Ukraine, Australia, France, Nigeria, Ghana, …
…some of them living a very average life and some of them very successful and accomplished.
Here is what I’ve learnt, at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter where you from, how old you are, how much you earn, what’s your occupation or status.
Your transformation, your dream life, will begin when you finally
?start learning from your past,
?decide to let it go,
?unlearn who you were so you can start becoming the pure and powerful version of you,
?while believing that anything is possible and it all depends on you.
I know it sounds easy but in reality, it’s not.
The process is simple however the journey will take time and it will challenge you.
I haven’t figured out all the answers yet and I don’t think I ever will but
I believe that going towards your light is much more fun and fulfilling than hiding in a darkness of your past, pain and failure.
Don’t you think?
I don’t know, you choose ;-)
Ps. If you feel it's time to level up your life mentally, emotionally and physically, I have 3 openings in my transformational BREAKTHROUGH EXPERIENCE (***super special deal***). Comment below “ YES” or message me and I will tell you all about it.