Henry Kissinger (1923 – 2023), R.I.P.
Vladimir Berezansky
Multilingual Compliance Attorney – Financial Regulatory and IT / AI Compliance
An era has passed.? On the Twentieth Century’s Cold War chessboard, Henry Kissinger was definitely a bishop, and perhaps even a rook.? Although he dressed adequately and rubbed elbows with the world’s heavyweight politicians, diplomats and military brass, he didn’t cut an exactly elegant figure; and his gravelly, heavily accented speech was easy fodder for several generations of chat show hosts and impersonators.
Purely by force of his intellect – and an uncanny talent for dodging political scandals
Born Heinz Alfred Kissinger on 23 May 1923 into a family of German Jews, they emigrated to the United States for obvious reasons in 1938.? Henry (as he was now known) graduated Harvard College only to remain at Harvard to pursue his master’s degree and Doctor of Philosophy.? Perhaps most portentously, Kissinger’s doctoral thesis explored the ramifications of a school of foreign relations known as Realpolitik, the most widely recognized adherent of which was Prince Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of the Prussian Empire during the Hohenzollern crown’s rapid consolidation of assorted semi-independent duchies, baronies and principalities into what is today the modern German state.
Kissinger earned a reputation as the Cardinal Wolsey to no less than twelve US presidents – as well as to a discreetly undisclosed number of foreign leaders.
His record on the geopolitical world stage is decidedly mixed, but nonetheless impressive.? His most noteworthy accomplishment by far was achieving a fundamental recalibration
His analytical and diplomatic prowess
Albert Pike.