Hence Proved: COVID-19 has proved that Man is a Social Animal...

These are challenging time. Fear has over-powered the whole globe to the extent where people have lost track of any other subject but the well-being of themselves and their loved ones.

To safe-guard the globe, different nations have taken different measures to fight the battle out which has been introduced and announced by the Supreme Power – the Almighty. It seems like MAN Vs ALMIGHTY. Regardless of whatever achievements the mankind boasts about, HE keeps proving at different instances that he is the master of all of us. Since we consider ourselves the outstanding creation of God, we tend to forget the basic that we haven’t created ourselves. We have been created by HIM and our lives are dictated by HIM and on HIS command. We are only puppets who cannot even control the duration of our stay in this Universe. Death is the only certain aspect from the moment you enter this Universe. But the irony is while basking in the glories of the achievements of being the Supreme Power in the globe or being the first one to either invent something or discovering something, we Human Beings tend to forget that we are not the ones who can take the credit for whatever to claim to achieve.

While we all are fighting the challenge, the aspect which needs to be observed and introspect is the boundaries have been shattered. The virus had no boundaries to spread itself across the globe. It did not choose the countries with specific criteria like emerging markets or developed countries. It has knocked down all the sects of the societies and the boundaries. Be it rich or poor, USA, China, India or Philippines, it did not consider any criteria while spreading.

The fear has spread to the extent where the markets have been shaken. Global shut-down and the depression is clearly visible. Had it been the normal times, the anger, the frustration, the depression of markets bleeding and not showing any sign of recovery would have been the normal investors’ sentiments. But to our surprise, the situation is different. Money is not the ultimate truth now. This has been proved. People across the globe are concerned about each other’s welfare. Different countries and governments are extending helping hands rather than fighting like cats for the power.

Confinement, Containment and Isolation are the measures which have been identified and introduced by all the governments across the globe. The same is getting implemented by allowing the work-force to work from Home. This is serving two purposes. Family members are able to take care of each other and stay close. Along with this, the human chain on which Virus thrive is being broken. This is the first time when the statement like “Divided we stand, United we Fall” are not proving right. But ideally, by being divided also we are in unity and fighting the virus.

Having said that, Work from Home is definitely getting families close. However, work-force which is habitual of meeting people and working in the business set-ups is finding it challenging to cope up with the stay at home with family situation. Human mind needs variation, distraction from the habitual environments and needs human interactions apart from the ones whom they meet on daily basis like Family. The same has been arrested completely. This proves that we Human Being are social animals who needs the communication not only within their family circles but with the other human beings around them.

I personally have been rejoicing isolation and ME TIME since almost 15 Years. But suddenly this house arrest seems like a punishment and forcefully enforced. Human tendency is also to have the resistance towards any rule which is laid down as the first reaction. Since these containment are forcefully enforced, the human being tends to react with that reluctance and resistant behaviors. I reckon that the employers now have to gear-up with the situations where they may witness their work-force with slight mental unrest. Once the situation turns to normalcy, the employers and the organization should establish the cells or the departments which can handle these set of employees. This situation will be very realistic and new kind of challenge which the organization have to get themselves prepared with. We are soon going to witness this situation.

So, an appeal to the organizations out there for setting these departments and handle the employees with care post their returns to their workplaces. Rather than snapping them off for their abnormal behavior, handle them with care. The time taken by us to come back to normalcy will be less as even we are desperate to come back to our workplaces and to have our same old work environment. But we would need some empathy and sympathy post we return to our workplaces. We are social animals and would love to be part of our gangs once again. 


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