It helps being inspired, motivated, open minded
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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The open mind allows personal opinions to subside and comes fourth a space of absolute no judgement. Then, that which entered that space comes back to who you are and you have the ability to decide whether you identify with it.
We know that having an open mind can make you courageous. When you let go of caring if you are going to get hurt, you take risks more willingly, fluently and confidently. Therefore making you take more action on life and therefore seeing more things happen.
And having an open mind makes it so that you can provide others a therapeutic space. When your opinions and what is going on in your life doesn’t matter and you are completely focused on another individual, your focus inwardly and with no judgement allows them to find the places where their deepest issues reside and they can have a break through.
Of course, it’s not that being open minded will give you special abilities, and it doesn’t make you vulnerable by putting your guard down. Being open minded let’s you experience the world for what it truly is and then letting you have an opinion on it. You might experience something good or you might experience something bad, but at least your experience isn’t clouded by prejudgment.
According to Jordan Peterson, among the Big Five Personality Traits we find openness which is a trait found in liberal type, creative type, higher than average IQ people. According to Peterson, we never want to feel or believe “we know enough”… Jordan says this is an ear mark of arrogance. Unfortunately todays liberal type, is subject to an arrogant self assurance, which is a sign of the converse of open mind… thanks to the cancer of being ideologically possessed.
It is simply easier , less painful to come to an easy conclusion about life as we see it. A saying like “the science is settled” is an example of a closed mind. A scientific attitude is always ready to change its opinion… always aware that the facts are malleable.. plastic, not fixed. Let us endeavor to develop open mindedness is best we can.
Advantage of being open minded is that we can learn from others and we can get new ideas from others. If we are close minded, we close our mind to new ideas from others and we cannot learn from them. By being open minded we can understand the point of view of other people. We can establish good relationship with others.
Being open minded opens a door lots of people fear by accepting concepts that are unfamiliar to your comfort zone. It expands the mind, gives you choices you might have never encountered. It also allows connections with people of different beliefs without being threatened. That turns a journey into an adventure and keeps the mind young and flexible in this fluid life of constant change.
Conceding that there is always more than one truth, respecting the perspective from someone else's vantage point to know. Truly open-minded people can learn and grow. Many claim to be, but prove otherwise when confronted with information that makes them uncomfortable or challenges their preferred beliefs. They remain slaves to misinformation and their emotions. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit
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4 年Agree Sir. Thanks a lot.