Helping you and your child(ren) learn French whilst we are at home.
Nathalie Paris
Geordie French storyteller extraordinaire; supporting the teaching of languages in primary schools; trainer, speaker
The picture is of my recording studio... AKA my living room!!
Are you looking to encourage your child(ren) and/or pupils to start or keep learning French whilst they are at home? Then I can help you in 2 ways:
1) Click here for my daily French challenge videos: a way to incorporate French into our children's daily lives! Or click here to see their content, and for links to individual videos.
2) I am also putting together suggestions for French activities throughout the week; click here to check them out or click here to receive those weekly plans for free, straight in your mail box. Please do tell people about all of this if you find it useful.
I hope you have fun with these. Do share them with your teacher and parent friends; they can be used by schools on their websites etc as well. The more it helps, the better!
Merci! Au revoir!