Helping Ukraine
Marcia Diane, LPC LISAC
I empower women to triumph over trauma. Check out my Striving to Thriving course & support group to heal from PTSD. For employees? Ditch triggers & anxiety. Live happy & free! Get a FREE BOOK today. Click below.
The whole world is in mourning as we watch the current horror show in Ukraine. The bombing of hospitals and civilians. One malicious dick-tator scams his vast military into invading a sovereign state. A new Hitler has arisen.
Individuals have power. Much more power in unity. People of the world need to unite to stop him. Processes have begun. Hopefully, the governments in NATO will figure out how to act militarily to stop the devastating destruction in Ukraine and avoid World War III.
Governments are sending military equipment and reinforcements to Ukraine. People are sending humanitarian aid. That is a great start. However, more is needed. To consolidate sanity and power, Souls can channel our spiritual Loving Light to Ukraine and all people on earth. Those with ears to hear and eyes to see will pick up some of the good deeds humans are doing in the nonphysical realms.
We little people can do more than react and watch in horror and fear. We must remember who we really are: embodied Souls made in the image & likeness of God. We are not as powerless as we often think. We can proactively align all our unique individual vehicles (physical body, mind, emotions, heart, and Soul) to radiate our Loving Light into the dark places of the world. If you do not know how to do this, you can learn. (See below.)
Join the Spiritual Army / Air Force
Let’s be part of a huge nonphysical army of Heavenly Host channeling the Holy Spirit to all people who are suffering everywhere. The need for more intensive Light is ongoing.
Right now, the people of Ukraine, Russia, and the world need more calming Unconditional Love and Light. Each of us can take moments throughout the day to shine our Purest Light from our hearts into the darkness of people’s individual and global pain and suffering. Even one candle dispels darkness surrounding it. We can invoke Heaven to join the army of Heavenly Hosts already in Ukraine to focus Light like a laser beam. We can use our imaginations to project ourselves in mediations, contemplations, and dreams to give comfort to everyone, especially children who typically are more open to seeing nonphysical things than most adults.
God sees the Big Picture. Humans can only see a slice of life. To be most effective and not interfere with God’s Best Laid Plans, we should not pray for what we think is needed. A simple action that you can take is to declare to God, “Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Show me how I can help.” Wait for inner guidance and act accordingly, as you can.
God knows what is needed. Humans are God’s worker bees. Let’s co-create more Loving Light and open ourselves to messages God has for us collectively and individually. Let’s remove our own cloaks of darkness and install more loving confidence.
Learn. Live. Love.
For advanced training and taking your next universal spiritual steps, see You can further your healing journey by reading and contemplating some of my 21 published books, including Thriving in Unprecedented Times, How to Resolve Karma Using Timeless Techniques and 20 Kindle books, which include 19 powerful creative meditation books based on Kabbalah’s 72 Names of God, plus 21 Ascended Masters, Messages for God Seekers. All are available on Amazon with easy access through
Please check out my inspiring contributions in memes, carousels (multi-page mini-books), and videos (reels) on and
Author, artist, and teacher of creative spirituality, Marcia Diane, LPC, LISAC, loves to explore worlds beyond the ordinary and assist others to spiritually connect, feel more joy, and thrive. As a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor, Marcia helps clients heal from trauma, abuse, and addiction, using traditional and creative technologies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), art therapy, hypnosis, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT, past life and in-between life regression). See videos on